Friday, October 21, 2022

This is It!

We admit to being distracted today. Partly due to the Iron Maiden concert, partly due to a long week. We've gotten a lot done but still have tonnes more to do. We're also tired and sore after back-to-back machine days at the gym. 

Iron Maiden tonight. 

Iron Maiden is the first of three major events this weekend. Youngest Daughter's birthday and birthday party are tomorrow. That means lots of little girls doing arts and crafts. There will be a movie. And cake. Then on Sunday the block is having a Diwali party. There will be Indian food, and alcohol and Indian women in traditional dress. Then we shall set off fireworks like it's the 4th of July, or Guy Fawkes day for you folks across the pond with speech impediments.

In the Jerusalem Post, an article by Adam Milstein decrying the end of the 'Golden Age for Jews in America.' The author notes, 'In New York City, more than half of hate crimes in 2019 targeted Jews.' In America, Judenhass is on the rise. Gee, wonder who's doing that? The author says American Jewish communities are 'disengaged', divided, and often hostile to Israel. Most American Jews are liberals. Israel is undeniably a conservative and bellicose country with a tiny political left. Israel isn't afraid to slap the shit out of the 'Palestinians' or anyone else who messes with them. This can be embarrassing to the secular.  Milstein's concluding paragraph begins, 'We must embrace Zionism as an integral part of our Jewish identity. It's easy to slam left wing, Woody Allen type Jews. But there are Hasidic sects in America that are anti-Zionist as well. Hard to believe but true. They're waiting for the Messiah.

Over in Britain, Boris may be coming back. Which is fine. Boris is the least-worst of the lot. Maybe he can salvage things. Who knows. We've heard talk of the coming destruction of the Conservative Party. Good. After squandering their massive realignment victory of 2019, they deserve it. We're coming to loath the Tories as we do Israeli Labour. Call an election, Boris. You'll get clobbered. Might as well get it over with. And who wants to rule in this environment anyway? 

Boy, if you're a European and a believer in Europe and the EU, you must be laughing your ass off. And rightfully so. The last six years of governance by Les Anglo-Saxons have been chaotic at best, embarrassing at worst. See the pathetic Brexit treaty machinations of Mrs. May, the worst prime minister since David Cameron. What can we say? Vive le France!

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