Saturday, October 8, 2022

Saturday Updates

Mrs. Stroock's Phillies won the first game of the wild-card series with a stunning ninth inning, six run comeback. Go-go fightin' Phillies. We see the Mets are still the Mets. 

A good week at the gym on the various exercise machines, seven in all.

We stepped on the scale and came in at 245 pounds. That's 17.5 stone to English speakers with severe speech impediments. Sorry Continental reader(s), no dogs or metric numbers allowed here. We're down ten pounds this year. We're trying to set realistic goals...make it down 12 by January.

Though we're making progress with Duolingo, we're wondering if we're still wasting time trying to learn French. It never seems to be at our fingertips

Politics: As predicted we see polls and the overall polling picture favoring the GOP a little more each day. GOP seats thought to be at risk (Wisconsin) are getting redder, while Dem seats thought to be safe are rated toss ups (Wisconsin, Oregon, New York). Remember, the RCP polling average had Phil Murphy ahead of Jack Ciattarelli by 7.8 percent, last year. Anyone on the ground here could have told you that Murphy wasn't winning in a romp. Jack signs were everywhere. If you don't think signage is an important indicator...we don't even know what to say.  Murphy won by 2.8 percent. Trafalgar Group was closest giving Murphy a four-point lead. Trust Trafalgar Group. Exit question: are polls underrepresenting GOPs by an average of five points? 

The things.

We had multiple book sales spikes this week. It's a mystery. World War 1990: The Weser cracked the top 20 of its Amazon category. Overall, book sales remain roughly 1/3rd The Weser, 1/3rd The Great Nuclear War of 1975, 1/3rd All Other Books. Behold the backlist in all its power. We remain on track to at least match last year's book sales. 2021 was our best year ever. 

We did a tonne of work on World War 1990: The Final Storm, concentrating on the four scenes of the prologue. These are: 

-Colin Powell's press conference explaining the military situation.

-NATO leaders meeting at Lakenheath with Quayle representing the US, discussing what to do next.

-Ligachev's secret meeting with Akhromayev in which they discuss the USSR's military situation and Politburo pressure for a nuclear war. This gives us a chance to describe Red Sqaure and the Kremlin. Wonder why we need to do that?

-Gorby, Yeltsin and company kicking off their rebellion.

So the Battle of the Roki Tunnel and Georgia revolt are going back in TFS. The 25,000 word set up going from Italy to the UK, to Israel, to Japan, to Australia is staying. Let's say the MS is 75,000 words for the moment. 

We spent some time on The New American Order as well. Here too we worked on the intro, a pre-1977 inauguration chapter. So far we have the President's Select Committee on Reconstruction discussing plans for 1977 and beyond. We also wrote the return of our British submarine from its Falkland's adventure. This mostly gives us the excuse to show Enoch Powell enjoying the fact that Britain is a rising power once again. Hmmm...who else should we put in the prologue? Probably Matt, right? What else?

Other than that we have to write the future history. And we've no idea what that looks like. 

The editor still has The Aftermath of 1976. December. That will make three books out this year. We are among the best there is at what we do. 

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