Sunday, October 9, 2022

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 10/9/22

Mrs. Stroock's Phillies beat the St. Louis Cardinals last night to win the wildcard round of the playoffs. Tough little bastards. We are pleased. The Phillies are off to Atlanta to play the Braves. We're not optimistic. Also, the Mets did what they had to do, surviving to get to game three tonight. Meet the Mets...Meet the Mets. Come on out and greet the Mets.

Via Israel Radar, the Israelis are telling the world exactly what they will do if Hezbollah attacks them. This is interesting, 'Israel’s upgraded intelligence capabilities enabled the IDF to dramatically expand its wartime target bank, the report said. Defense Minister Benny Gantz warned last night that Israel will smash Lebanon if Hezbollah launches an attack.' Israel has located and mapped every last Hezbollah position, bunker, depot, etc. You know what the Imams say. Perhaps we're becoming overconfident. We were in 2006.

Once again, here's our assessment of Hezbollah War'The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) not only failed to land a knock out blow in their month long war against Hezbollah, they didn’t even deliver their best punch. The blame lies with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who lacked the political courage to order an all-out offensive into southern Lebanon. Instead, he allowed Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, to place the burden for victory on Israeli airpower. During the subsequent half-hearted invasion, Israeli troops fought a surprisingly well trained, organized, and tenacious enemy. These battles revealed many shortcomings in Israeli training, especially amongst the reservist units.'

Segueing to Russia Week while keeping with Talmudic themes... Vladimir Putin has always been a friend to the Jew. It is known that he grew up down the hall from a Jewish family and learned piano from a Jewish woman. During his KGB days Putin disciplined personnel for anti-Semitism. He's encouraged Jewish activity in Russia and openly celebrated the establishment of a new Jewish museum in Moscow. Israel and Russia work very closely in Syria, as both hate Isis. Forgive me for refusing to hate Putin with the proper vigor*.

We think we'll be working on The Final Storm's Georgia and Roki Tunnel chapter this week. Inshallah. 

*Reference. Best said with Southern accent.  

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