Thursday, October 20, 2022

Union Jacks for Liz and Bruce (and Eddie)

One day till Iron Maiden. 'Give me the strength to hold my head up and spit back in their face!' I have lived by this line:

Another sales spike yesterday. Could be Twitter activity. Could be the algorithm.  Stroock's Books crack marketing team is baffled. 

Were a member of a WWIII alternate history writer's group, and us writers got to talking about advertising. While we've run a few ads here and there, and not any in at least a few years, we haven't run a full-on campaign since 2016. We haven't needed too. Still, we wonder if running ads somewhere, would net us new readers. We researched some digital ad options yesterday, but I dunno. Are we complacent?  

The best way to get new readers would be to expand to new markets. Back in the 2000 teens we did just that, buying ads in British military history magazines, Canadian, Australian, etc. Later we boldly expanded into the French and German markets. Germany is our top non-English speaking market. But our top performing markets are English speaking, and we don't know how to expand in these. 

We haven't talked much about the rise of the Religious Zionist Party in Israel and its leaders Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir. Here's a cautionary article on the RZP in The Times of Israel.  The author is particularly worried about Ben Gvir whom he calls a 'rightwing provocateur'. So far, so good. We'll say this. Ben Gvir makes the right enemies, but some of the wrong ones, too. There's tonnes of election analyses in the piece as well and we urge reader(s) to read the whole thing. November 1st, people. 

British Prime Minister Liz Truss has resigned. Frankly we don't care. But if we did care, we'd bring back Boris. Labour leader Kir Starmer is right. The PM should call an election. The British public has a right to decide. The sooner the Tories get annihilated, the sooner they can start anew. Besides, the next few years are going to be an economic mess. Who really wants to be in #10 right now? Or maybe electoral defeat will mark the end of the Tories. They deserve it. We can always hope that someday in the near future, His Majesty could send for Mr. Farage. 

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