Monday, October 3, 2022

What's Brit for BBB?

So yesterday at the gym we did the elliptical for the first time in our life. Two minutes and off. We were wondering if maybe we should do our usual four cardio exercises (run, rope pully, rowing machine, bike), bring back the stair master and add the elliptical. Six exercises divided by two, each twice a week. Maybe?

Zerohedge says the Brits are burning their energy bills. We can't say we blame 'em. We know how they feel. Prices are going to go up 25 percent here in New Jersey. Hmmm why is energy so expensive now and why was it so much cheaper two years ago? Think very carefully. We have enough firewood bundles on hand to burn four per day for three weeks if need be.* Maybe we should buy some more. Thanks, Joe. 

Sticking with the mother country, Prime Minister Liz Truss is a disaster: 'Liz Truss and the Tories' approval ratings have again plummeted in a fresh poll - as Labour jumped to a 19-point lead. The Opinium poll showed 55% of voters disapprove of the new prime minister and just 18% approve, which is worse than Boris Johnson's final days in office.' Quite right. The Brits damn near had a Chernobyl like financial meltdown last week, only the quick intervention of the Bank of England stopped it. These Tories are a bunch of wankers. We wouldn't vote for them either. At this point Stroock's Books endorses the BBB plan: Bring Back Boris. We are ashamed but not surprised. 

What a waste after the Tories' massive, redefining election win in 2019. Here's what we wrote about Boris and the Tories back then: 'Boris Johnson, the eccentric and wacky publisher, Mayor of London, MP, and English toff with a bad haircut, won a landslide victory last week. Boris’ Tories won 45% of the vote and gained 65 parliamentary constituencies for a total of 366 seats in the Commons. This gives Johnson an outright majority in the Commons of 80 seats, more than he needs to see Brexit through and begin normal politics anew.' We sigh forlornly. 

A detailed description of Queen's funeral will one day be the introduction to a book about these times. 

Will Writes: we have the habit of beginning scenes with a character's name. Example, 'Professor Stroock walked into the classroom, the eyes of several cute coeds following him.' [Oh my God -Ed].

We are dwelling upon World War 1990: The Final Storm. We've three options here. Keep the MS as is and fix it. Break the MS in two. Or rework the MS. The Final Storm needs to begin as if Polish Storm and Battle of the Three Seas just happened. Which they did. The Soviet Union has been defeated on land (in Poland), in the air and at sea. Those are the facts confronting the Politburo in the beginning of The Final Storm. 

Actually, TFS will begin now, we think, with a Colin Powell press conference on current developments. This reminds readers (and us) where things stand. From there we can segue to a NATO meeting about what to do. There will be lots of bickering. After that we'll take readers to Sverdlov where they'll see Gorby, Yeltsin and Shevardnadze plotting the coup in Georgia. The Battle of the Roki Tunnel is back on.

What Will's Watching: Sports ball! The Mets went to Atlanta, got swept and have all but lost the division. Yesterday we caught a quarter of the Giants' game. The Giants wore their throwback 80's/90's era blue jerseys. Cool. We never saw Eli Manning in one of those. Too bad.

Monday (not) Metal. When we first heard Stone Temple Pilots in late '92 we asked, 'Did Pearl Jam put a new album out?' Heh. Only four Grunge bands really matter, and STP ain't one of them.** STP did produce a half a dozen hits during the Grunge era and an interesting album post-Grunge. Here's the lead track, Big Bang Baby, which we admit we find intriguing these days. Is it us, or does Scot Wieland sound kinda like Kurt Cobain here? Heh again. This video feels very mid/late 90's, BTW.

*We figure one to get started in the morning, one for midday, two at night.

**Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Sound Garden, Alice in Chains.

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