Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Will Brings Old Things to Life

Yom Kipper, the day of atonement, begins tonight. As we've no doubt written before, Yom Kipper is like a year's worth of catholic confession packed into one day. But there's no real absolution. One is just getting everything out onto the table. One even reads down a list. 'I did that...That...Yep....Oh that's a big one right there....Yep, that too.' Actually the girls have dance tonight, so only Mrs. Stroock will be attending [fist pump]. We will do some self-reflecting though. [Really, you seem to think you're great-Ed] I am great. Still, we'll self-reflect.

An acerbic Hollywood creep named Billy Eichner made a gay romantic comedy and then got hysterical when the movie flopped. Ace has the story. Ace tries to explain how things work to Eichner. We'll try too, creator to creator. Listen, Billy, when you make a thing and the audience doesn't like that thing, the audience isn't wrong, you are wrong. This should not be difficult to understand. 

We'd also like to echo a fact Ace talks about. Romcoms are for girls and their boyfriends who want sex later that night. 'Honey...you know next to the movie theatre is a Victoria's Secret, right?' That'd change our calculus. In fact this one time...anyway. Guys who laugh at men striking the romcom/sex bargain will be playing video games tonight. 

Everyone else is talking about Elon Musk's Russia/Ukraine peace proposal so Stroock's Books will too. Here's the text: 'Ukraine-Russia Peace: - Redo elections of annexed regions under UN supervision. Russia leaves if that is will of the people. - Crimea formally part of Russia, as it has been since 1783 (until Khrushchev’s mistake). - Water supply to Crimea assured. - Ukraine remains neutral.' This is almost exactly the deal we proposed to our KGB handler at the Kremlin last January. Maxim took it to Putin who agreed in principle, but our own contacts at Foggy Bottom said Anthony Blinken rejected the proposal out of hand. 'Peace is not in the interests of the Globalists,' Blinken said. We tried. 

In New Jersey today all the living former governors are attending the funeral of former governor Jim Florio. NJ.com reports on Florio's term in office, 'Most famously, he installed a $2.8 billion tax increase in response to a fiscal crisis in the state — a hike he backed in part to help ensure school funding to poorer districts in the wake of a state Supreme Court decision requiring equal education aid. The move sparked backlash across the Garden State and led to Republicans taking over the state Legislature for a decade. Florio himself ultimately served only one term as governor, losing his re-election bid to Whitman in 1993.' 

NJ.com isn't really doing justice to the era. Florio promised not to raise taxes. The Dems were annihilated in the state house and senate. Driving back and forth through New Jersey between home and Wesley College one sometimes saw 'Florio Free in '93' bumper stickers. People were pissed. On WABC talk radio, New Jersey host Bob Grant (PBUH) waged a one-man Jihad against Florio. This also launched the era of Christie Todd Whitman, a prototype of a 'moderate Republican' who was socially liberal but fiscally conservative. A modern-day Whitman would be totally okay with tranz weirdos flashing other people's kids. Ahhh... the Republican liberal, who blessedly doesn't really exist anymore. Rest in Peace, Mr. Florio. 

What Will's Watching: The Phillies clinched a wildcard spot last night. The Phillies are a scrappy, tough little team with nothing to lose having made the post season. We wouldn't want our team [you don't really have a team- Ed] to face them. This is the Phillies first post season appearance since 2011. The moment was bittersweet for Mrs. Stroock, as we lost her father this year, who gave to her his love of all things Philly sports. This includes the Eagles. We'll never forgive him. On a side note, the Astros were wearing dark blue uniforms with orange piping and lettering which red Space City. An interesting look. 

Commercial break. More GE:

Bringing good things to life in the most go-go 80's way possible. We're convinced we saw these ads somewhere other than the Sunday morning talks shows. Our best guess is that since GE owned NBC, and NBC broadcast NFL games, the ads must have aired during football games. Remember, younger reader(s), TV was a lot different back then and there was a lot less of it. It was probably not possible to not see these ads. Which is why they stockout so much in our memory.

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