Thursday, October 13, 2022

Ye Thursday Downer

Inflation? Our cup of coffee here at the Donut is up 20% this year. 

Yesterday we learned that Kanye West, or Ye, is bipolar. Welcome to the party, pal. They used to call this manic depression. Bipolar is just another way of saying sometimes you're really high. Sometimes you're really low. In our experience the highs are never as high as the lows are low. 

In response to the Kanye West Juden hass scandal, The Washington Post has an article on bipolar disorder and what it's like. We urge those interested to read the piece. It's spot on. 

Here's the nut graph, as the J-school losers would say, 'Bipolar disorder can cause extreme mood swings, from frenzied, manic, even euphoric “highs” to devastating bouts of depression. Symptoms can vary widely from person to person, and the onset of manic highs and depressive lows can be occasional or frequent, and last for periods of days to months. The condition can be largely controlled through medication and therapy.'

Lemme tell ya'll something about those medications. Some of them have some nasty side effects. Look up 'tradeoffs' in your medical dictionary. You know those disclaimers at the end of drug commercials. They ain't kidding. One pill kept us awake at night. Another made us drowsy in the afternoon. Note, sleeping well did not stave off afternoon drowsiness. Staying awake in the afternoon did not facilitate sleep at night. 

We were tense and irritable even with the meds. After a while we wondered, 'Does this crap really work?' Despite taking 2 and even 3 pills, we spent a lot of time fighting off the urge to yell at people, fighting off irritability and impatience. We'll put it this way. We don't suffer fools gladly. 

So we stopped taking the meds. If the meds don't work, then the side-effects aren't worth enduring.  Our logic was unassailable. 

There's been some new studies on antidepressants. We'll get to those findings in another post. Let's just say they totally vindicate us 100 percent. For those wondering, yes it's difficult being so right all the time. Yes antidepressants work, but...We're not bitter.


A report from The Jerusalem Post about Iranian drones in Ukraine. The Israelis are sharing data with Ukraine and getting a good look at Iranian drones. The article notes that the Iranian drones are 'slow' and fly 'low'. Hmmmm...are the Iranians sending their best drones? We doubt it. They're top line drones would have to be better, right? Right?

Israeli Radar says, 'Israel has been preparing for the possibility of a Hezbollah chemical weapons attack during wartime. While assessing the threat level is difficult given the secrecy surrounding the issue, defense officials believe that the danger exists.' Never underestimate Hezbollah's nihilism. This is an organization that says rocket strikes on cities are okay because most Israelis serve or have served in the military. Should Hezbollah do the unthinkable, Israel should sit back and wait for a sympathetic world to unite in support of the Jews....sorry, just a little Likudnic humor. Couldn't help myself. 

Also, there's lots of rioting in Judea/Samaria the last few days. What's all this about then?

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