Friday, October 14, 2022

Your Saturday Update...

...On Friday. 

Our brain is all jammed up on World War 1990: The Final Storm, and today's Saturday Update on Friday is an attempt to unsnarl that jam.

We don't like what we see with Georgia and the battle of the Roki Tunnel at all. There's too much, 'They have guys? Those guys just came in from Afghanistan? With heavy weapons? Oh...okay.' There's much more, 'They've been prepping this for weeks, months? Oh...I guess that works.' And, 'Wait, Shevardnadze knows everyone in Georgia and can snap his fingers and the state apparatus springs into action on his behalf? His cousin runs the airport? Yeah I guess that's how it works in the Caucasus...' Too many assumptions, not enough prep. 

We've run into the same problem with the Soviets. 'Oh....the 58th Army can get an armored column down from Vladikavkaz within hours of Shevardnadze announcing independence? They have fuel for that? But I thought...well okay, I guess....' We shake our head in frustration.

The actual battle of the Roki Tunnel is at once too detailed and too short. A feat we would have thought impossible.

Perhaps the Georgian revolt is best handled by a single sentence, 'Comrade Secretary! Turn on the TV. Shevardnadze has declared independence!'

Georgia could probably be its own book with a chapter starting at the beginning of the war and showing the Georgians making preparations, the Italians fighting what's left of the Black Sea Fleet and sashaying over to Poti and landing marines, further revolts in Kazakstan, etc etc. 

Without the Georgia stuff, TFS is a nice, tight, urgent 62,000 words or so with room to expand if need be. 

Perhaps we're just overthinking.

However, TFS' problems go far beyond Georgia. We're content with the prep, going from NATO to the White House to the Kremlin and then visiting various forces on land and at sea. This works just fine. But we're not so sure about the NATO set up and planning chapters. Something about Powell's interactions with the Joint Chiefs, with Wolfowitz and the president just doesn't seem right. And we're not sure the concept makes any sense. 

We've already written the air strikes and the SAS raid against REDACTED. We haven't looked at those scenes since...I dunno. It's been a while. They're probably okay. Getting to those scenes is the problem. 

This post is as disheveled and disorganized as our brain at the moment. 

Writing is hard. 

Normally we'd just praise Kek and post an 80's training montage video. There's so much going on in our brain right now, [Well that's a first,-Ed] we're not sure how to take on the problem. 

1 comment:

  1. How about the sequel to "The great nuclear war of 1975".
