Monday, November 14, 2022

Black Pill Monday

Week two...of, we don't even know what this is. Dear god, would Herschel Walker please stop emailing and texting me. 

We've been good, if sullen and withdrawn. We've managed not to troll. We haven't said a damn thing on FB or Twitter and confined a few comments to Gab. 

Begun, the GOP civil war has, and we don't care. What difference, at this point, does it make? As we tried explaining to some Vichy GOP friends two years ago, how do you expect to win next time if you won't stop the steal this time? Again, Sarah Hoyt. And once again, again. One last disappointment to go. Do you people really think the Dems won't be able to fraud their way to house control?

That's more than we meant to say.

We've done a surprisingly good job cutting out the news. Our phone usage fell an astonishing 29 percent last week to just over two hours. We've had to drop some things we like. Ben Shapiro during lunch. Stephen L. Miller's podcast on walks, at the gym. Hot Air, Ace, Small Dead animals, a host of Twitter personalities with smart things to say....damn. Right now, our news is Instapundit, the New York Post, and Zerohedge. 

We've got some mold remediation today (in fact their banging away at my wall right now) and new window installation Thursday and a dentist appointment in between. Yay. 

We received our book about Georgia and will be making improvements to the Battle of the Roki Tunnel chapter. These will amount to a sentence here and there, small details.  

Several World War Two story ideas have been thrashing about the inside of our skull for over a decade. A novel about a sub, a novel about a cruiser, a few other ideas, all Pacific oriented. But A March Through Hell never did that great. So maybe we can do one book as a vanity project, see Blooms. There are plenty of submarine memoirs, manuals and docs out there for reference. 

There's a lot of pearl clutching and finger wagging and whatever other cliche you want to use on Jewish twitter about Dave Chappelle's Saturday Night Live monologue. Here it is. We've watched it. Chappelle's pretty damn funny. Why can't he, you, me, anyone point out there's a lot of Jews in Hollywood? Seinfeld played with this idea 30 years ago, as George starts reading a book by a neo-nazi, 'The Jews...'

What Will's Watching: Like everyone else we're watching All Quiet on the Western Front. Cinematically it's brilliant. The story is fine, though we've seen these themes many, many times. Can it be another way, though? We'll finish AQWF this week. We've also knocked off three more episodes of Graham Hancock's Ancient Apocalypse. Hancock has a great response to critics who call him a pseudo-scientist or pseudo-archeologist. Paraphrasing here, 'I've never claimed to be a scientist. I'm an investigative journalist.' From time to time a critic, or even an editor has told us we're not practicing journalism to which we responded, 'I am not a journalist.'

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