Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Tuesday's less Black Pill

[Don't worry, we're prepped for 2024-Ed.] Who in the hell are you trying to kid? Prepped for 2024, yeah, sure. 

The Eagles' loss pissed us off last night too. 

An effective, though angry session at the gym yesterday with the music turned up way too loud. 

The mold in and around our doorway has been remediated. Window installation Thursday. 

We need to drink more. 

The Times of Israel reports that Russian president Vladimir Putin hopes to maintain good relations with Israel. Yesterday Ukraine voted for a UN investigation into Israel's 'occupation' of palestinian territory. Of course, there is no occupation. Way to win over Israel, Zelensky. The article further goes on to explain Israeli/Russian diplomatic spats and the ongoing issue of Russia harassment of the Chabad there. Interesting piece. We can expect Prime Minister Netanyahu to maintain and strengthen Israel's relationship with Moscow. 

What Will's Watching: Ancient Apocalypse. Graham Hancock is building the case for a catastrophe that ended an advanced, planet wide civilization. It seems obvious a comet or something slammed into earth when Hancock (and Randall Carson) says it did. We think Hancock's getting close to stepping out of the respectability circle. But he hasn't stepped out yet. Let's hear the man out. Ideas are whacky till they aren't. 

We're writing The New American Order's future history without knowing a lot of details yet. Who's Haig's veep? Who do the Dems get in 1980, 1984, etc? We've a fair idea what happens in the United States and the world through to 2000. This includes the construction of the new Federal capital near the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi, Rockefeller: Capital Region. Haig won't like the naming. Won't like it at all. We think we'll have the whole thing wrapped up by...[When are you going to learn not to put a hard date on anything, knobhead? -Ed] 

Ideas...we're still casting about. Honestly, the only ideas we really get excited about are World War 1990 novels. Battle of the GIUK Gap for starters. The Kabul Revolt sounds fund too. Maybe some of our cutthroat Georgian paras can be there too. We have a strict World War 1990 policy [You do?-Ed]. One forward, The Final Storm. One back Giuk Gap, then one forward which ought to be Esercito Italiano. That brings us right back to where we were before. What to write?

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