Saturday, November 12, 2022

Saturday Updates

Really, you still want Trump?

Mood. Also...[Are you a woman?-Ed] We are emotional. 

Just an awful week

In political news, Arizona has fallen and Nevada is falling. At that point, who cares about Herschel Walker? Unless you wanna tell us McConnell is going to talk Manchin into switching. We kid, We kid. The longer the count the bigger the steal. And post election day counts only go one way. You have been informed thusly. Functioning democracies do not act like this. Even without the steal, the election is deeply disappointing. Steyn has some interesting thoughts about this election and elections past. Here's the Sarah Hoyt post he links.  Cancer, she says. We'll have a few final thoughts when all the votes and 'votes' are counted. 

We've purged our Twitter feed, and never did follow politics much on Gab. We've gotten really good at not posting anything political on FB. Right now, we look at The New York Post, Instapundit and Zerohedge for news, in the morning. Even without the constant feed we feel the pull, and it hurts. We need to find stuff to do at night and watch on TV. Last night we went to services and watched the final episode of Andor (brilliant by the way). Graham Hancock has a new series out about the ancient world. What else? 

There was a time when our mood was determined by what the Yankees and Giants did. Now we couldn't care less. Why can't we get that way with politics? 

We finally got to the gym yesterday. Usually all that adrenaline and all those endorphins fell good and leave us at peace. But we came away pissed. We'll go again today. 

The Things.

The week sucked but we got a lot done.

In World War 1990: The Final Storm the Battle of the Roki Tunnel looks good. It's a hell of a lot better, we can tell reader(s) that. 

The printed proof of The Aftermath of 1976 has arrived. We'll start today. This part sucks. [Judging by your blog every part sucks-Ed] Every part does suck. Our proofer has the printed proof as well. December people. 

We're writing The New American Order's future history. This is coming along fine. We also ditched the detritus of half formed chapters. We had wanted to lay the groundwork for some future ideas, but the TNAO flows better without them. We had planned to go to 2025, but may stop at 2000. The further out we go, the vaguer the narrative gets. We shall see.  

We think about non-nuke, non-World War 1990 projects for next year. Israel? Desert Mercs? I dunno. Many of our old ideas have been overtaken by events. There's our old space opera trilogy idea, but we don't want to start a new time consuming series yet. See our Future Projects page. We'll have fun dwelling on this. 

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