Friday, November 11, 2022

Black Pill Friday

Okay, seriously guys. Time to dump Trump.

Jesus Christ, Herschel Walker is texting us. 

We had an evening campfire smore session with some old and dear neighbors last night. Which was nice. 

It's gonna be a fun November, just like 2020. Back then we were fully medicated, so don't nobody even go there. That ain't the solution. 

We hardly consumed any news yesterday. We checked out the New York Post, Instapundit at 9 AM. Then Instapundit again at 9 PM. We paired down our Twitter feed so it's mostly creative stuff and fellow authors. No Hot Air, no Ace, no Small Dead Animals, no Breitbart, etc etc. It's a start. We felt a lot better yesterday just not knowing. 

We look around in vain for things to get into. 

We tried videogames in the spring but got bored. 

French is barely working for us as it is. 

Guitar again? meh. We hit our ceiling with that a decade ago. Though we do rock. 

Reading project? We got nothing. 

We don't want to do wargames, not even tabletops. Certainly not new tabletops. We don't want to learn the rules. And there's something pathetic amount breaking out 30 year old wargames. [Why?-Ed] I dunno. There just is.

Models? Lego? We're all thumbs. 

More cigars and booze is probably a bad idea. 

More gym time? The gym is the best way we know to fight this condition. 

TV? It comes down to TV. We see Graham Hancock's Ancient Apocalypse streams tonight. We caught some of Milo Yiannopoulis on Tim Pool yesterday. Still fun. We miss the Dangerous Faggot phase.  

At Israeli Radar, a report on Israeli strike and intel methods in Syria. Three secrets of success, the report says. Interesting the Israeli Air Force let this information out. The report says Israel has destroyed 90% of 'arms production and transfers'. We doubt this claim. Though Israelis are exacting a heavy toll. Another not so subtle message. Israel to enemies: Don't. So that's what we know. Exit question, what don't we know?

We've long wanted to write World War 1990: Esercito Italiano in the hopes of building a fan base in Italy. But we did a review of our Amazon sales yesterday, and it turns out we do have a small fan base in Italy already. In fact, we're having our best year ever over there. Are sales in Italy comparable to sales in other continental counties? Italian sales numbers are about on par with France, but much smaller than Germany, which is consistently our leading non-Anglo sales market. What can we say? The Krauts like us. Which we find terrifying. Nederland didn't lead to a large fanbase in the Netherlands. Hmmm...maybe we should push off Esercito Italiano again.

Ah, Veterans Day. Always kind of a weird day for us. Think about it. Anway, one grandfather in Europe with the 407 AAA 'Buzzbomb Kings'. Another stationed with a medical triage unit in Louisianna preparatory to the invasion of Japan, an uncle with Merrill's Marauders in Burma. Monday (not) Metal Veterans Day Supplemental, Commonwealth edition:

1 comment:

  1. You can try target shooting great for getting rid of frustration or fishing and veterans day is weird for me too while I appreciate the thanks for the service it also brings back a lot of bad memories so tonight it's jack Daniels so I can blackout and hopefully not have nightmares
