Friday, November 4, 2022

The Jews...

Our Delaware girl was doing a double last night, watching her Phillies on the telly and her Igles on the phone. Aside, man we love it when she wears that Eagles jersey. Anyway, as we suspected Houston did as Houston does and took care of business. The Eagles are 8-0. We were just trying to get some sleep. 

We did some car stuff yesterday, replacing an entire rear headlight fixture. Easy, but we still worry we screwed something up. Inshallah. reports: 'New Jersey synagogues were placed on alert Thursday afternoon after the FBI said it had “received credible information of a broad threat” to the Jewish houses of worship.' The Bridgewater Police Department says, 'We are aware of the threats to NJ Synagogues and while there is no specific implication to Bridgewater, we are working closely with our partners at FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation Newark to ensure that our Bridgewater community remains safe. Out of an overwhelming abundance of caution, residents can expect to see an increased Police presence around centers of worship.' Actually, our synagogue isn't in Bridgewater, but still...We have a big one in town.  Update, Threat 'neutralized' according to

Meanwhile, the Brooklyn* Nets have suspended Kyrie Irving for being a Jew hating loon. He posted a movie claiming blacks are the real Jews and there was a switch during Medieval times, or some such. I dunno. Irving has apologized. The New York Post's Phil Mushnick** torches Irving here. Kryrie, Kanye, Al, Jesse, Ilhan, Charlamagne, Nick....Ya'll noticing a pattern?

Fair point...How dare you say the Jews control everything. Now excuse us while we get you fined and suspended. 

'The Jews' is trending on Twitter. Man, scrolling some rando black Twitter accounts....We tweeted out a link to Israel Strikes under the hashtag. We have seen a slight spike in sales of Israel Strikes and War of the Red Sea after a few hundred Twitter impressions. Could be noise, could be evidence. We don't know. 

There's a lot of bedwetting among Jewish liberals over the incoming Netanyahu government, The Times of Israel tells us. Says the Anti-Defamation League:  'We believe that including these far-right individuals and parties in an Israeli government would run counter to Israel’s founding principles, and impact its standing, even among its strongest supporters.” The ADL says it “will not shirk from calling out expressions by, and policies of, the Israeli government and Israeli leaders that are hateful, racist, anti-Arab, homophobic and anti-democratic.” Typical. 

*First wrote 'New Jersey'.

**Phil is almost always right about sports. 

1 comment:

  1. Listening to all the anti Jewish stuff up north and other liberals up north saying racist stuff it occurs to this unreconstructed southern y'all need to have a come Jesus meeting up there and understand it's not just Southerners who can be racist the South after the civil rights movement has done this and we admitted we have done some awful things in the past but we also realized we needed to improve ourselves and now the South while not perfect is way better than any northern city in race realation
