Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Once and Future Prime Minister

We're counting down the days till Disney here. Tuesday, people. After Monday, this blog will be offline all week. 

Last night, the baseball world saw what the Astros were made of as they beat Mrs. Stroock's Phillies 5-0. A no-hitter to boot. Three games left. We expect Houston to win.

Back to back days on the machines this week at the gym with two more sessions to come before Disney. Huh, we saw people walking from the gym back home in our neighborhood. Maybe a mile each way. Now that is an interesting idea. 

'Our politics is ugly,' The New York Post's John Podhoretz says of Joe's speech last night. Joe is uglier. The attack on Paul Pelosi by a deranged nudist drug-addict was the catalyst for Joe's nasty address. We may never know what happened at Casa Pelosi that night, but the Democrats sure seem outraged by the idea that Paul Pelosi might be gay. Homophobes. 

George Will writes that Joe shouldn't run again, 'During this autumn’s avalanche of political news, an enormous boulder bounced by, barely noticed. It demonstrated why Joe Biden should not seek another term. Democrats should promptly face that fact, and this one: An Everest of evidence shows that Vice President Harris is starkly unqualified to be considered as his successor.' Ya think, George? George Will hates Kamal too, 'Her style betrays a self-satisfied exaggeration of her aptitudes. Lacking natural talent, she needs to prepare, but evidently doesn’t,' so he can't be all bad. Will plods along with constitutional bromides, as is his wont. Trump was too boorish for George and his bow-tied conservatism of the Sunday Morning talk shows. So he supported Joe. Thanks George. You did this. You did this to us. One day we will write what George Will means/meant to us, but that day is not today. 

Breaking! Must credit Stroock's Books. Stroock's Books crack decision desk declares Binyomin Netanyahu the winner of Israel's Knesset elections. Developing...

Now that he's won, Netanyahu has to cobble a government together. Expect intense negotiations.  Netanyahu's Likud is the strongest party with 30 + seats. It'll be interesting to see just how many cabinet slots, and which slots, the Religious Zionist Party gets.

The Jerusalem Post has an interesting article about the election, pointing out that Bibi could try to form a national unity government with the soon to be opposition. No, the JPost argues, Israel voted for a right-wing, religious/nationalist government, and that's what Israel should get. Quite right. Maybe a few years with Smotrich and Ben Gvir holding prominent cabinet slots in a Netanyahu government is what the center needs to get its act together. 

The Israeli center's a mess. That's one reason the right is ascendent. There's another, though. Orthodox and Haredi Jews have lots of kids. Centrist, secular Israelis with apartments in trendy Tel Aviv don't. You want parity with the right? Have some babies. Get off the beach, go home and get to work. I have three. Sooner or later Bibi will move on to...something, and Likud will collapse. Be ready.

At Israeli National News, a long (and pro Netanyahu) article on Bibi, the Israeli Right, Ben Gvir and what a Netanyahu government should do and American Jewish reaction to same. Here's an especially insightful para about American Jews, 'To be sure, the Democratic Party to which most Jews belong with a passion others reserve for their religion, will be unhappy with Netanyahu, Ben Gvir, and any right-wing government.' We urge reader(s) to click on through. Again, Stroock's Books holds no truck with the Religious Zionist Party. This blog is Likudnik, for now. We just refuse to be outraged. 

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