Sunday, November 6, 2022

Will's Good Idea for the Week 11/6/22

...Or not. We got nuthin' here people. We're looking forward to Disney World. 

The Houston Astros took care of business last night, defeating the Philadelphia Phillies 4-1 to take the World Series in 6 games. A great team and a great franchise. Congratulations. 

Trump slammed DeSantis last night. Dumb. Everyday this blog likes Trump a little less. Time to move on. 

We took Youngest Daughter to a dance studio workshop this morning, way down Route-22 East to Roselle Park. Now this is the New Jersey people think about when they think about New Jersey. Six lane highway, dividers, telephone polls, an endless sea of strip malls, gas stations and car dealerships. Ugly, but utilitarian too. 

In which Will believes two contradictory things at once...

Kyrie Irving is getting cancelled for promoting wacky conspiracy theories and Juden Hass. Some folks get cancelled for verbal slip ups.  We admit we enjoy the squirming and resentment. Not a lot of fun, is it?

The Jerusalem Post reports: 'The book series that was adapted into the antisemitic film shared by basketball player Kyrie Irving is a bestseller on Amazon, Apple Books and Barnes & Noble in the United States, The Jerusalem Post has found. Entries in the Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America series, which promotes the conspiracy theory that Jewish people are imposters who stole the heritage of black people, are the number one best selling book or audio book in three categories on Amazon: "Religious Intolerance & Persecution," "Black & African American Biographies," and "People of African Descent & Black Studies."' 

First question, who is buying these books? Second question, should Amazon be selling books that contain historical fabrications? And C, would cancelling the Hebrews to Negroes series be Cancel Culture? Taking the last question first, yes. Yes, canceling Hebrews to Negroes would be Cancel Culture. Stroock's Books ain't gonna get into a long defense of free speech, but we'll say unequivocally that Amazon shouldn't take down the Hebrews to Negros series.

We see #Jewishprivilege is trending on Twitter. This blog wishes the shysters at the ADL and their kith would consider the optics of a bewildering multitude of Jewish organizations swarming upon someone who says something they don't like. Long time reader(s) know we've been on Gab for 6 years now. There are some real loons there, and boy are they having fun with this. It don't look good, do it?

Stroock's Books is stunned it's going on and on about black performers and athletes. 

Today our grandfather would have turned 100. Four and half years gone already. Here he is three months before his death. We all knew, and he knew, it'd be his last Christmas at his beloved Algonquin. Here's a quick (and humorous) obit we did. This is about right we think. Be a kind soul and click on through. 

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