Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve Updates

Merry Christmas to Stroock's Books reader(s). Happy Christmas to Stroock's Books reader(s) in the home islands and across the Empire.

The Stroock family is having lunch with friends this afternoon and will head up to our dad's tomorrow for Christmas. Yes, we will be ordering Chinese just like Prime Minister Disraeli. We haven't done Boxing Day since our mother died in 2018. This had been a family tradition for some time. Yes, the Stroock girls get Chanukah and Xmas presents. Don't judge us. 

As we write this, it's 5 degrees here in Northern New Jersey. That's -15 C for those of you with speech impediments whose ancestors were bested by rifle-armed militiamen who could shoot. Also, watch out you Krauts. As you well know, Americans will cross an ice choked river at night to kill you the morning after Christmas. Speaking of...I'm at the wife's office Christmas party and some very fashionable Germans just walked in. I'm sure it's nothing. We live about an hour from Washington's crossing. 

We'll blog tomorrow but don't know if we're bringing our computer to our dad's. We shall see. Inshallah. 

The things. 

There's not much to report, really. We read over the same chapter of World War 1990: The Final Storm that we've been reading over and things look just about as good as we can get them. That's it. That's the chapter. 

We also read over the 1980 chapter of The New American Order. Aside from figuring out who General Haig's aid is, we think were done with it. We think [Do you?-Ed], think we'll have the final draft done by 31 December. We're just sort of waiting for a jolt that says, 'Why not ad this one scene?' If we don't get jolted in the next few days, we're calling it.

We still have no idea what novel we're starting in the new year. We probably won't know what novel to start until we sit down and start it. We shrug in the most Mediterranean way possible (JFC autocorrect filled that in). 

Next week we'll do our typical end of the year personnel and career reviews. 

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