Thursday, December 1, 2022

Is it Always so Cold Up Here?

Last night we landed without incident at JFK Airport. For the first time in more than four years, we set foot in New York City. Damn it. That being said we did go through the very interesting TWA section of the airport, which has been preserved as a 1962 time capsule. See the walkway in the opening of this 1971 commercial? We walked down that. Pretty cool.

We awake this morning in a great mood. We did it! An epic vacation in the works for a year and delayed two weeks by the hand of God. Disney World, to do. Disney World to done ✅.

We need to rest from our vacation. We got home at just after 11 PM, stepped out of the car and realized it's late autumn in New Jersey. Buzzkill. We're going to take it easy today, catch up on a few work items and lay the groundwork for December. That includes figuring out the 2023 plan. 

Disney World, a final thought. Was it Woke? One saw a lot of rainbows. Certainly some were gay rainbows. Others were rainbow-rainbows. Plenty of the staff had green and purple hair, odd piercings. Many of the men were dumpy looking. Many of the women looked weird. We did not see one tr***z flag our entire stay. There was no Woke stuff on any of the rides or in any of the shows we attended. Overall, we'd call Disney World blessedly apolitical. To that end, well done. 

Now to plan the next trip. As airline tickets are prohibitively expensive, it would cost us $10,000 bucks, or quid for you people with speech impediments, to fly across the pond. So it's unlikely the Stroock family will be taking to the Continent this summer. Damnit, damnit, son-of-a-bitch. 

What Will's Watching, airline edition. So we caught the first half of Top Gun: Maverick. This movie is well written, well acted and well done. All the tropes are there and executed to perfection [French Kiss?-Ed] French Kiss indeed. Even on a 6x8 airline screen, the aerial scenes are amazing. If they re-release this, we're definitely catching it in the theatre. 

Today is Oldest Daughter's 16th birthday. While she's having some friends over this weekend, we're not making a huge deal out of it. We already did that with her Bot Mitzvah three years ago.

The Times of Israel has some harsh words for Netanyahu and his soon to be government of hardcore right-wingers. We think the author takes his conclusion too far, but we are in general agreement.  It is what it is. Israel voted for this kind of government and that's what it deserves. Hopefully the center will have the motivation it needs to get its act together and provide a viable alternative. 

November sales are in. True to form, they're off about 20% from the October sales and close to 50% from their peak month (August). August Sales of the Great Nuclear War of 1975 have surpassed World War 1990: The Weser. We have the final proof of The Aftermath of 1976 and will be uploading it today. This month people. Soon. Days, probably. 

Hmmm...Sales of the Israel Strikes and Israel Strikes: War of the Red Sea have doubled since August. Could be topical, and we have been plugging these on Twitter and Gab. War of the Red Sea outsells Israel Strikes by about 40 percent this year.

Funny thing/pro tip. Getting a printed version of a book produced is almost not worth the effort. Overall, 95% of book sales are electronic now. Physical versions of books are a gigantic pain and about 25% of our costs. Other costs include cover, another 25% or so. Editing takes up the rest. One could price in books purchased for research, we guess. If a book is successful, we'll make up our production costs in the first month. By the way, The Aftermath of 1976 will be out in Kindle version first. You people are going to have to plunk down $4.99 bucks of 3.99 quid to read it. 

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear… I do not need my summer trip to my homeland to be tarnished in any shape or form.
