Friday, December 2, 2022

Friday Post

One wakes up in the morning, as is one's wont, and has little to write about.

Kanye West is in the news because Kanye West is a walking clown show. We admit Hitler was a pretty good artist. But that's about the only good thing we can say about the man. Kanye West is fucking nuts. And Trump just had him for dinner at Mar-a-Lago. You people still really want to do this?

Just a few days before we noticed there's a lot of fat people at Disney World, Praeger U put out a weight and exercise video. We agree with everything Vinnie Totorich says. At the time of our heart stent insertion in 2015, we weighed 265-270 lbs. Now we're 245-250 lbs, depending on the morning. We massively cut down on junk, and reduced carbs by a lot. We still like our french-fries, but not as much. We've lost the once general plumpness around our waistline and our face has thinned out a lot. We went from a size 42 to a size 38. Ironically, due to all the exercise and weight lifting, our neck is thicker than ever at size 20. Breaking into the 240-245 lbs range is looking to be very hard. But overall, we're looking and feeling great. 

We have made some subtle queries about the World War 1990: Norway idea. We are thinking [You're?-Ed] about writing a Norway novel separate from Battle of the GIUK Gap. There's plenty of info out there about Norway's military in the 80's. We need to read a history of Norway in WWII, and a history of Norway in general. We have begun watching the Norwegian WWII movie, The King's Choice

It really comes down to which World War 1990 novel does one want to write next. On the list for next year: Norway, GIUK, Italy, Kabul. 

We'll be picking up The Final Storm next week. Let the long-slog continue. Thinking just now, we're worried that reader(s) are thinking TFS is going to be some sort of WW1990 novel to end all WW1990 novels. This is not the case. TFS is another installment in the series. It will have it's own theme, and some different scenarios we haven't used before. But TFS ain't gonna be no standout. Or is it?

Long ago we realized the World War 1990 project would never be finished. As long as the ideas keep coming, we'll keep writing them. We'll be working on a World War 1990 novel every year for the rest of our life. As always the question remains, what other projects do we want to write? But then we asked, why are we stressing on this this? We're about to finish out 3rd non-WW1990 novel in two years, that novel being The New American Order. 

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