Friday, December 16, 2022

The Friday Frack Off

What Will's Watching: Uncommon Knowledge. Host Peter Robinson interviews Binyamin Netanyahu about his life, beliefs, relationship with his father, his premiership and Iran, Iran, Iran. Bibi reminds us of something we had forgotten. During the economic crisis of 2003, Ariel Sharon made Bibi finance minister, no doubt so he would take the blame. The two loathed one another.* But Bibi cut taxes, reduced spending and unleashed Israel's economic potential. Bibi pointed out that thanks to these economic reforms, Israel has the tax revenue to pay for research, development and purchase of it's sophisticated weapons system. 

More on the Jews...Israel Radar tells us of a think tank study presenting several scenarios for massive a war between Iran and Israel. We urge reader(s) to click on through. We'll make a point of reading the study as well. It's almost as if someone has read Israel Strikes. Actually, most of what's in Israel Strikes is obvious stuff. That novel turns 10 next month. Technological advances have left Israel Strikes behind. And don't get your hopes up. We still have no plans for a sequel. 

Black Pill Will: The GOP caved on the so-called Respect for Marriage Act and on Joe's budget. Remind us, please, why we were so upset with the election results. We've heard the same fucking excuses from the GOP for 30 years.  To put it another way, what's the point? As we've said before, we think we won't vote again. Why bother? [You said that after the Dems stole 2020-Ed] So we did. 

The review we posted about yesterday was actually written by one of this blog's august readers. So we'll ask the question. Between the end of The Great Nuclear War of 1975 and the beginning of The Aftermath of 1976 what did we miss? What would you like to see? What didn't we cover? There's no reason we can't put a prologue in the beginning of The New American Order. We'll be updating reader(s) about out great progress on TNAO tomorrow. As mentioned before, there's lots of Brit stuff. Just wait till you find out who gave Ford the idea to hit Moscow first. Pretty obvious id you think about it.

Will's Writing World: World War 1990: Kabul. This novel would showcase a Mujahadeen revolt in the Panjshir Valley, Kabul and Kandahar. We know something about the subject. There'd be plenty of Soviet characters. In fact, we'd write the novel so that the Sovietskis would be the good guys or at least the reader would be rooting for them. The Australian SAS would be running around the Panjshir Valley with some Pakistani ISI types. And let's not forget about the CIA. 

Looking for some art for Christmas, Chanukah, or Kwanzaa? Consider my friend and cubist artist Shourabh Mukherji

*We were very anti-Netanyahu during this period as well. 

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