Thursday, December 15, 2022

Posting on the Post and the Post

The New York Post reports on newsroom chaos at The Washington Post. 'The Washington Post’s all-hands meeting turned chaotic Wednesday after the newspaper’s publisher announced looming layoffs – and then left the room as concerned employees shouted questions.' The NYP has video of the meeting, and we urge reader(s) to watch it. 'What are you going to do to protect people's jobs?' One young, soft voiced Postie asks. Oh, my sweet summer child, The Post is in business to make money, not employ you and your over-educated friends. Thoughts and prayers, Posties. Thoughts and prayers.

Black Pill Will: We read the news (much less) and are revolted by it. Disgusted too. We won't mention which of the many things revolting and disgusting us revolt and disgust us. Longtime readers can imagine. We weep for the future as a Maitre'd once said. Madness...madness, proclaimed the doctor at the end. There's no whistling past this. 

Shitheads: 'A Rutgers University student who was severely injured during an alleged hazing incident is now suing the university and the fraternity he was pledging. The lawsuit states that freshman Armand Runte, 19, was pledging the Beta Delta chapter of the Theta Chi fraternity.' I was never a big believer in hazing during mine own fraternity days (AXP!). Even back then admins closely monitored the pledge process. We had to watch a safety video. Most hazing was supposed to be fun. These guys are idiots. Ahhh...30 years ago this spring we pledged. Excuse us now while we flashback, 'Oh what a night....AXP and Delta Phi Sigma...Drinking Beer and Having lots of fun...what a mixer what a night.'

Will's Writing Funhouse: we find ourselves lately thinking about our old sci-fi trilogy project, 2543. These days we ponder the people of Mars. They're thoroughly nationalist, kind of Spartan actually. Economically they're a socialist state. Mars was originally settled by people working on small farm communes. So the tradition of state socialism is strong. Everyone serves a few years in the military and many more in the reserves, the Martian Guard, etc. At issue are the two hours exercise required per week, to keep up endurance to earthlike gravity. Why bother? ask the nationalists. There is a great social push for people to abandon their old earth family names and adopt Martian names. Names are usually changed for the founding Martian settlers (now who would they be?) or Martian geographic features.

Reviews of The Aftermath of 1976 are coming in. So far, so good. One reviewer says'Would have liked an update on the Brits and some more information about the ending in the first book.' Hmmm. interesting thought. 76 does definitely open a few months after the end of 75. What happens during those months? Is it worth exploring? I dunno. There are plenty of Brits in The New American Order, though. They've got a lot to do.


  1. I wrote that Amazon review. 1976 was a great read. Looking forward to more of your works and I appreciate the updates on books and your schedule. BTW-I also did not want to give away the ending of 1975.

    1. Ah interesting. Thanks very much and much appreciated. What would you like to be updated on from 75? What's the gap? What's missing that you'd like to see in TNAO?

    2. The end of 1975 the conclusion is determined on who launched first to start the war between US/USSR would like to see how that is handled by Rocky and his staff. I thought how you brought Maggie into power in 1975 was interesting and well done. Would like to see how she consolidates power and expands the "Empire" Her character in 1975 is consistent to your World War 1990 books.
