Thursday, December 22, 2022

Will the Fool Be Will? Will Was

Ace has the wrap on congresses' final spending bill and Mitch McConnell's roll over. Be sure to read the Mollie Hemingway article Ace links to. Just look at all the goodies the Dems got. It's horrifying. Powerline makes a good faith case for McConnell. But we're not buying it. We've heard excuses for 30 years. Would some kind soul remind us why we were upset about not taking the senate? Screw them. And LOL, Mitch called Ukraine a 'top priority' for most Republicans. 

Zelensky addressed Congress yesterday. What a show. A cosplaying pop-hero, propped up by the West's elite who will spare no expense to arm Ukraine because it hates Russia and Putin. Congress is voting another $44 billion for the Ukes. Meanwhile China plans and America's border has dissolved. What will future historians say of this time? We shake our head not in anger, not in sorrow, but in resignation. 

In Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu has officially cobbled a government together. The Times of Israel points out, 'Israel’s largest party and a right-wing powerhouse, Likud will be on the left flank of the prime minister-designate’s incoming coalition.' Heh. Heh again. One day Bibi will leave, and Likud will collapse. Then the center will pull the remnants of Likud into a government. That day is not today. This blog doesn't like most of the other parties in Bibi's coalition. We don't like them one bit. But we admire them for their enemies. This government pisses off all the right people. 

looking over World War 1990: The Final Storm, we are irked that the strike talk chapter, 'Mr. President, here are our options' etc, is not uniform. Some but not all of the fly boys are shown in this chapter. We're probably over thinking. Yes, yes we are! Looking over the chapter now, it's not the flyboys we're showing but the planning guys. In the next chapter we got a bunch of Yank, Brit, Aussie, Japanese and Italian pilots in their briefing rooms. Yes, okay. This works. 

We've read through The New American Order...and that's about it. We need to write one more Matt scene. We need to write one British venture scene; a commenter the other day nailed exactly what is going on there. We need (maybe) to consider if we want to write a few one-off scenes updating on characters from previous novels. And we need to finish the future history. 

What we mean to say is The New American Order's final draft is almost complete and can be complete by 31 December. You people know the drill. Editing. Formatting. Cover design. Final proof. We've no idea about the release date and we've a few logistical issues with which to deal. But TNAO is just about ready to go. End File!

After 20 years of magazine writing, which are our favorite articles and what's the criteria? Usually the articles we like best were the most obscure or unique or current. Or sourced with current news clips. There's plenty of articles we're 'meh' about, or just don't like the way they turned out. To be honest, by 2007 we were just thrilled to be writing and/or researching every day, and know that at any time our work was on the shelf somewhere. 

As for favorites? There's always the first article, 'Sparta's Defeat of Athens,' Strategy & Tactics issue #216, May/June 2003. We've always been proud of 'Nasser Strikes: The Egyptian Army in North Yemen 1962-1967,' which appeared in Modern War #20, February 2016. That one was a bear to source, much less write. We cranked out Sherman's March (see sidebar) in a week. For that matter, we've always been proud of the Sovereign Media stuff (see sidebar). 

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