Sunday, December 11, 2022

Will's Good Idea for the week if 12/11/22

And we're back.

The bat mitzvah was okay. The hotel was fine. Dinner was good (Olive Garden, really classing it up there). Breakfast was better. We commiserated with our wife's younger cousin's Israeli husband for a while. We gleaned no insights. Family plans were discussed for the summer. 

We've had no movement on our third writing project. Neither confirmation of more ideas or more ideas. Current affairs, history...who knows? But we did come up with a couple of...looking for the word here...interesting ideas while rising and sitting in the pews yesterday.

Facebook threw this at us today, a screen cap of our professorial days, nearly a decade old now:

The picture taker says this is the last day of class, which explains the jeans and no tie. On most days we were a jacket and tie prof. One of the only remaining on campus. I look good. There's no getting around it. 

So, here's Will's good idea for the week of 12/11/22. What if in 2003 instead of invading Iraq we invaded Iran? We've toyed with the idea of an American war with Iran before and we'll toy with it again tomorrow. 

We have a bad idea too: let's go over to Mastodon (or wherever the Twitter exiles are going) and become a pro-Russian troll. Popped over there....this looks hard.  

Will's been Black Pilled. As such we're beginning a new feature here at Stroock's Books, Black Pill Will. Black Pill Will will be Will's semi-recitation of Black Pill events and observations. The general theme of Black Pill Will is we're all effed, and nobody will be held accountable for the effing. Take for example Tony Fauci, the Killer of Wuhan. The man should be (metaphorically) defenestrated from the (metaphorically) tallest building in Washington. And if you think that will happen, then we got some Crypto opportunities you're going to love. [Sounds fun-Ed].

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