Monday, December 12, 2022

Will Writes Will's Rules Right

Man, when he was getting whooped 35-7 in San Francisco yesterday, Tom Brady must have been thinking, 'I could be sitting on a Brazilian beach with Giselle right now. Instead I'm getting whooped in front of my hometown friends and family. Oops.' Oops indeed. Between football and a supermodel, if one has to think about it, something is wrong. Okay, okay, we admit there are probably private marital issues we know nothing about. But still, if one's choice fomes down getting in a huddle with a bunch of smelly men vs basking on a Brazilian beach with a Brazilian supermodel, Stroock's Books knows what it would pick. 

What Will's Watching: Sports Ball! Philadelphia Eagles 48, New York Giants, 21. It wasn't even that close. Mrs. Stroock was happy, which makes us happy. Also, she looks good in that Eagles Jersey. The Eagles are truly a great team. As for the Giants, well, we never believed the hype about them anyway. A disgraceful loss against a divisional rival. We can't remember the last time the Giants beat the Eagles. The Giants now have a decade of sustained suckitude. Mister. we could use a man like Tom Coughlin again. Our boy Bill Parcell's too. 

We thought of the old winning Giants this morning as we donned a Giants hoodie to take Youngest Daughter to the bus stop. We bought that hoodie the day after the Giants beat the Patriots (again) to win their second Super Bowl in five years. That morning we bought the afore mentioned hoodie, a fleece, a couple of T-shirts, a blanket...we dropped $300 at Modell's and online like that [snaps fingers]. We still have all of that merch. We've had no need, nor reason, to buy Giants merch since. 

Our dear friend, whom we met in college, who's from the Jersey Shore and liked to fly flags, who once gave us one of the most thoughtful gifts we've ever received, an Israeli flag, which we still fly, is an Eagles fan. We spent yesterday evening insulting one another. 'Die of a bowel obstruction,' we texted. 'Go suck a....' he texted a rooster a emoji. Took us a minute to figure out that one. 'How old are you two?' Mrs. Stroock wanted to know. [Only a minute? That's pretty good for you-Ed].  We're 49 and 50 with a friendship thirty years strong! 

We picked up Middle Daughter from a birthday party yesterday. The friend's mother saw us coming up the sidewalk and called to Middle Daughter, 'Your dad's here!' she knew because we live in Chindia. As Archie Bunker once said, 'I'm the families' white friend.'

Will Writes: See the paragraph above. It looks a bit short to us. In Will's World, Will's paragraphs should be four or five sentences long. All paragraphs in a post should take up about the same amount of space on the page. And it irks us no end that the above paragraph is not Will Writes compliant. That being said, no Will Writes Rule is so strong as to be inflexible. For example we are staunch believers in the old Strunk and White maxim, omit needless words. Will will, however, throw a couple of superfluous words at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph to enhance flow. 

For the week... Assuming we don't get slammed with jury duty...we'll finish reading through The New American Order. At the same time we shall resume reading through World War 1990 The Final Storm's set up chapter. We hope (not plan, hope) to have this chapter squared away by the end of the week.  We shall struggle on to find that third writing project for the new year. We had suggested writing a piece on the German view of the Meuse/Argonne but have heard nothing back. Twitter character limit is being raised to 4,000? Interesting. Update. Got a gig!

Hmmm....going through The New American Order we see a blank space with the chapter heading Manchester and a note reading 'insert scene'. What the hell did we want here...? Oh that's right, a chapter in which Thatcher and the cabinet discuss Commonwealth problems and lay the stage for the next little foreign venture. More Maggie. Rats, we should have taken the time to read a bio of Enoch Powell and made him PM. Oh well. He'll be PM in this universe one day. 

Moving on to other projects: World War 1990: Esercito Italiano. This novel is about the dissolution of Yugoslavia, which is already well under way in the World War 1990 universe. Alert readers will have noticed the Italian PM scheming to consolidate power and make Italy a premier member of NATO. When the Serbs finally go too far, the Italians will launch a full-on invasion of Yugoslavia. The US will help, maybe the Brits too, and we may send the Marines into Albania for the hell of it. How about a massive airborne/air mobile assault on Belgrade? Just writing that it moved, a little. 

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