Monday, December 5, 2022

Your News, Sports, Health and Home Improvement Wrap for 12/5/22

Attempt two today, to have a giant picture window installed above our door. Wish us, or the installers anyway, luck.

We had a nice afternoon at the bar yesterday watching Mrs. Stroock's* Eagles give the Tennessee Titans a beatdown 35-10. Our own Giants gagged it, losing a 4th quarter lead and settling for a tie against the Washington Foreskins. Chokers. Our mind was blown by the Giants throwback 80's and 90's uniforms. All we could think of was, 'Simms drops back. Looks...throws...he has Manuel in the seam...'

The scale here at home says we weigh 244 pounds (or 17.42 stone, whatever that is, for readers with a speech impediment). The scale at the gym says we weigh 244 pounds. We weigh 244 pounds. Overall we've lost ten pounds this year. So let's drop one pound this month preparatory to getting down to 239 pounds by Memorial Day.  At the bar yesterday we got broccoli instead of French Fries and pulled a lot of bread out of our hamburger bun. No gout so far.

It turns out reader(s) can read a couple of articles per month for free at the Warfare History Network. So please go ahead and checkout our article on the Polish 1st Armoured Division in WWII. This was a fun an interesting article to do, but we don't remember writing it at all. Assuming Sovereign Media is paying what they were paying for articles the last time they paid us for an article, we won't be writing anymore articles for them.  That's four(?) magazine articles in print this year without even trying. Two in Military History Matters, one in Strategy & Tactics (we don't remember what), now this. 

The imams are right. Israel Radar reports, 'The IDF is equipping combat forces with powerful robots to overcome Hezbollah’s defenses in Lebanon. The army will deploy highly advanced robotic capabilities in the battlefield to clear the way for troops in the next war, a senior officer says.' Once again we see the Israelis saying to Hezbollah, 'You can't handle what we'll bring.' In other words, don't. Also, when we talk about the Israel Strikes series being overtaken by events, this would be what we're referring to. 

This week we will continue our readthrough of The New American Order and slog through World War 1990: The Final Storm. We'll be working on the attack prep sections and take them one scene at a time. At the moment we're not satisfied with all the talk in Washington. We have the Air Force CoS taking the plan to the president. Right? But it seems haphazard. And we don't know what we're doing with the B-52s, and B-1s and B-2s. And Maggie is freelancing as is her wont. Long time readers should know what the SAS has been working toward.

The question remains, what to write in 2023? Here's the first of our idea writeups, as threatened.

To Liberate Mars: This would be another short story collection like To Defend the Earth and To Survive the Earth. Like the previous two novels, Mars would end with a blockbuster battle, humanities' assault on Jai held Mars. We'd want to write a story about Earth before Arrival, but we've no idea what that'd be about. We'd want to do a story about post Battle of the Poles Earth as well, and also have no idea what that'd be about. Hmmm...we could write a story about the final assault on the Jai Antarctic pole ship. 

First basement Fred McGriff has been elected to the baseball Hall of Fame. It's about time. During the steroid era, McGriff was a clean player. He was solid and consistent, putting up 30/90 numbers year after year. We count 12 HoF caliber seasons. A lot of teams were willing to part with McGriff. But why? Anyone who was around in the 2000s knows what commercial we're posting:

Monday Metal, the very latest from The Answer. A bluesy, herky-jerky kind of song with a touch of R&B to it. Interesting. As with a lot of The Answer's song, there's an interesting structure. We can't wait for the full album. We're popping over to their site now to check out tour dates.

*She looked adorable as always in her long-sleeved T and Eagles jersey. 

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