Sunday, December 4, 2022

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 12/4/22...

...and random writing thoughts.

Yesterday Oldest Daughter threw herself a low-key 16th birthday party. Reminder, her Bot Mitzvah was a big extravaganza, so no blowout birthday sweet 16 here. The kid's impressive, doing much of her own decorating and baking her own cake.  She invited a half dozen of her speech and debate friends to the party*, so we heard a lot of nerd talk. Note, we judged a debate competition a month ago. 

Only one boy was in attendance, a nice and polite kid (Indian-American?) with a glorious mane of jet-black hair. A Gujarati, for those interested. An Indian man once told us that Gujarati's were the Jews of India, you know, good with money.  Personally, we are good with money. It's easy. Save. Invest broadly. Don't buy frivolous crap. Do these things and one day you too will be able to say, 'let's go to Europe this summer' and not worry about what it costs. That Indian man meant nothing malicious by his remark.

So yeah, there's a lot of Judenhass coming from blacks like Kanye and Kyrie, and from crazies on the right as well. Like Trump* we knew almost nothing about Nick Fuentes. As noted many times before, we've been on Gab since 2016 and run into these types periodically. There's a lot of Judenhass on Gab. But there's a lot of Judenhass on Twitter too. Shysters like Jonathan Greenblat and the Anti-Defamation League only make the problem worse by trying to destroy anyone who says something they don't like. People have the right to believe and say dumb shit. Stroock's Books hates censorship. 

We can't say we've personally encountered Judenhass here in northern New Jersey. We've been walking around wearing an Israel hat lately. But we're getting nada here. Besides, we're not visibly Jewish. We're tall, broad-shouldered, blond haired [You wish. Your hair is light brown now. Has been for decades-Ed], blue eyed and built like a man whose been lifting weights for 30 years.  No one is going to point to us and say, 'There's one.' What we're trying to say, is we ain't no Ben Shapiro, or Ezra Levant for our Canadian readership. Heh, look closely and you'll find we're actually pretty dark. We turn a nice apricot color when tanned. The sun loves us. As did the moms at Fairlington Village Pool 5 during the summer of 1998. 

Moving on...We plan the great 2023 writing project. We can definitely get two novels out (The New American Order and The Final Storm) but what about a third? And how to get out a third?

The summer sneak in concept works. We proved that during the summer of 2021 when we wrote the rough draft of World War 1990: The Weser. We thought about moving TFS to the summer and making that the sneak in. But we like the idea of starting something fresh on 21 June. But what's the sneak in? 

This week we're going to do some more detailed writeups of our ideas for 2023, from World War 1990 novels to oneoff ideas like our Blue and the Red short story collection. Actually, as we write this, we're thinking a short story collection is a good idea. 

In the meantime, here's what we have to do:

-Finish The New American Order

-Finish The Final Storm

-Think of some stuff to write for various publications

-Research GIUK Gap/Norway

End note, look what's finally coming out. We wrote this piece in, I dunno, 2016? It's behind the paywall. We don't see a dime of digital sales. We went to Barnes and Noble to see if the issue was on the shelf. Nope. Then we hit the grocery store and saw the magazine section had shrunk by 3/4s. Magazines survived the Great Recession. Will they survive Biden and hard times?

*Rightful president. Won 2020. 

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