Wednesday, January 4, 2023

2023, the Fourth Day

What a clusterfark on Capitol Hill yesterday. Are you not entertained? Day two begins! Burn it all down. We don't give fuck. Hahahahah! Our FB post of Jamie Lannister saying, 'Burn them all.' went against community standards. Ahhhhhahahahahaha! Fuckheads. 

2003, 2023 and me: The summer was just fantastic. We'd start the mornings at a local coffeeshop, The Daily Grind or TDG, do our graduate work till 10:30 or so and then head home. We'd do more graduate work. After lunch we'd work on a magazine article and then start work on our first novel, A Line through the Desert from 3-5*. After that, we'd go on a 2-mile run through bucolic Peapack, New Jersey. The rustic farmhouse in which we lived was under a massive shade tree. It was humid, but not too hot. We didn't throw on the AC till night, and it was glorious. 

What Will's Watching: Tulsa King, episode-1. Sylvester Stallone is charming as Dwight David Manfredi, a mob soldier just out of prison and sent to Tulsa to establish the family there. There's plenty of charming fish out water encounters as New York meets the Great Plains. Delightful. 4/4

Things I'd like to say in earnest: Any man who would follow a knight, follow a king...follow me! yesterday we did some rearranging of World War 1990: The Final Storm. The book opens with a Colin Powell press conference, then jumps to Lakenheath where NATO leaders are meeting to discuss what to do next, and then finally, Sverdlov with Gorby, Yeltsin, and Shevardnadze kicking off their plot. From there we go to the Prologue, Georgia and the battle of the Roki Tunnel. Then Part I in which the Kremlin asked, 'What do we do now, Comrade?'

We also had a good couple of hours with The New American Order's future history chapter. We filled in some blanks, added some context, etc etc. It just comes down to how much we want to do and how far do we want to go. What questions do readers have about this world? What do you want to know? Otherwise, we keep seeing places to add little tidbits, like a note about the new Rockefeller Class aircraft carriers. 

Commercial Break, Gap grooms edition. This was creepy in 2000, and is even creepier knowing what we know now:
*While listening to Led Zeppelin.

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