Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Bagels, Baseball, Bridgewater

We ate a bagel this morning. No cream cheese. We're not proud. But every once in a while one must needs say, 'Why not?'

As we write this, we're in the middle of a Twitter spat. It seems some anonymous Twitter tough guy didn't like our assertion that America has no vital interest in Ukraine, which is 99 and 44/100ths percent true. Of course we are well paid by the Kremlin to write such things....comrade. We think we'll change our Twitter handle to Russian Bot Will, or something. We better asked Maxim.*

We were supposed to go on REDACTED to do a thing in order to talk about a subject we really like talking about [Yourself?-Ed] No, something else. The event was pre-planned and scheduled and thing. No word either. What's up with that? We were geeked up too. We haven't gone chasing after REDACTED to find out what's what. Shame on us for trying, we suppose. 

What Will's Watching: World Baseball Classic. So we caught a couple of innings of the Israel vs Dominican Republic game last night. Obviously the DR has some of the best baseball players in the world. We wondered where the Israelis are getting their players. Fun fact, there is a baseball league in Israel. Still....It turns out that the Israeli baseball team has a tonne of American Jews. Which makes sense.  Technically, any Jew anywhere is already an Israeli. Right of return, and all. Using American ethnics on a foreign team isn't limited to Israel. Mike Piazza is managing the Italian team. 

Sticking with baseball... Amazon will soon air a new documentary about Reggie Jackson. Younger reader(s), Reggie Jackson was the man. The big cheese. Numero  uno. El jeffe grande. And for five years, Reggie was New York and the New York Yankees. To the resentment of many other Yankees. He even had a candy bar. We'll probably have a Reggie Jackson week here at Stroock's Books.

The Bridgewater Breeze reports: 'With 4,196 votes for and 1,719 votes against with 100% of districts reporting Tuesday evening, according to the county board of elections, the first question on the referendum regarding facility improvements in the Bridgewater-Raritan regional schools was passed by voters.' We completely forgot about this and then when we remembered about 7 PM we said, 'fuck it.' We are still not sure how we would have voted. 

*Some idiots aren't in on the joke. So let me explain....oh never mind. Over to you, Bill Maher. 

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