Wednesday, March 22, 2023

In Which Germans Become the Jews

So Japan defeated the USA in the World Baseball Classic championship game. Our boys didn't raise the Stars and Stripes above Mount Surabachi for us to be losing to Japan. It's like Pearl Harbor all over again. It's times like these Stroock's Books thinks back to Pacific War and wonders if it was worth it. Our paternal grandmother, who never forgave the Japanese, rolls in her grave. 

The Times of Israel reports: 'One of two German tourists attacked Saturday by a Palestinian mob while driving through Nablus told Hebrew media Sunday that he had genuinely feared for his life during the attack, saying the crowd was “full of hate.”' I'll bet it was. Fools. Didn't those Germans know that all they must needs do is role down the window and shout, 'It's okay! We're Germans!' to which the 'Palestinians' would have replied, 'Oh! Right this way, sir!'. We already heard this one, 'Germans know what it's like to be Jews for day.' And remember, the Germans will never forgive the Jews for the Holocaust. 

[How long are you going to throw that in the German's faces?-Ed] For as long as it takes. [For as long as what takes?-Ed] I dunno. And you're a Brit. You people are still bragging about beating Jerry. [Yes, but only in the 1966 World Cup, Knobhead-Ed] Do you even have to ask if General Natan Nagid is having fun with this?

Happy birthday, William Shatner:

This was funny back then, it's even funnier now in retrospect. Airplane II: The Sequel is when William Shatner became William Shatner, the man parodying William Shatner. 'The big man. Numero uno honcho. The big cheese...' a bit we've often used right here at Stroock's Books.

Oh, the proof arrived today. Our proofer will be getting it too and we'll get to work this weekend. We may read a chapter or two before then. We are on track for May, 1 May. Reminder, The New American Order is better than The Aftermath of 1976.

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