Thursday, March 23, 2023

Thursday Update from the General

We returned to our new/old coffeeshop. Haven't been here in a few weeks. Even so, the woman behind the counter spotted us and poured us a medium coffee with a bit of cream. That's one in their column, for sure.

Mrs. Stroock returned from Philadelphia with sandwiches and cookies. Casa de Stroock is pleased. 

A neighbor's burglar alarm went off yesterday evening. We heard it. At first we thought it was someone's smoke detector. Three cop cars showed up. We stood outside ogling the flashing lights like some slack jawed gawker. Oldest Daughter called her BFF to find out what's going on. Her BFF's dad retired from the force last year. Details to follow. 

General Natan Nagid scrolls through his Twitter feed and makes comments which are pithy and insightful, as if he is the Jewish Obi Wan Kenobi asking, 'Who's more foolish the fool or the fool who follows?' We may change Nagid's cover photo to a map of Eretz, or greater Israel. Stroock's Books policy is wherever Moses trod, there shall fly the Star of David. Also, drive the 'Palestinians' into the sea. 

[ have an imaginary friend.-Ed] Nagid is not my friend. Sometimes all we can do is sit around this chicken farm and tell ourselves, 'It's all in me head. It's all in me head.' or, 'The chickens are not organized.' [What is the point of your Natan Nagid account-Ed] We don't have one. There is no point. Mostly we're just having fun. 

Our training is medical not legal, so we've been loath to weigh in on Soros District Attorney Alvin Bragg's looming indictment of President Trump. We will say that some have a tendency to overestimate one's enemy. To assume plots lay within plots, and their schemes are proceeding as planned. This view posits that Bragg and the Dems are indicting Trump to elevate him and spark his campaign so he'll win the nomination and be defeated in 2024*. Maybe. 

Or maybe the Dems are just so fucking nuts that they have to indict Trump for something, anything. Afterall, these are the people who nuked the lower court judicial filibuster and thought, what's the worst that can happen? Well the worst that can happen is Justice's Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett. The left is incapable of seeing past the immediate tactical need. Exit question, is Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders going to investigate the Clinton Library in Littlerock? This would seem an obvious target.  

Editing the SAS raid on REDACTED, we're wondering just how much we have to Brit things up. You know, characters saying things like, 'right lads!' and 'well, isn't this a spot of bother,' or 'thanks awfully of you old chap,' and what not. [Knobhead -Ed]

*He would be. This ain't 2016.

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