Friday, March 24, 2023

Will at the End of the Week

Excellent back-to-back days at the gym. We love that post back-to-back days at the gym feeling. We are still having chest pains. No, not arterial chest pains. These are muscular chest pains. They're annoying. 

Apropos of nothing, Mrs. Stroock made corned beef and cabbage last night. It wasn't a post St. Patrick's Day thing. Long time reader(s) know how this blog feels about the Irish. Bastards. So far, no gout. We've concluded gout attacks have less to do with red meat consumption and more to do with dehydration. It's pretty hard to stay hydrated at 245 pounds, or 17.5 stone, whatever that is.  Will update as events warrant. 

It's almost time to shave off the winter beard, no?

General Natan Nagid has his fourth follower, a beautiful young lady. Seems ligit. 

Israel Radar reports that Hezbollah and Israel are deploying troops to the border. Meanwhile, intelligence chiefs warn of war on several fronts. Can Israel fight Hezbollah and Hamas at once? Probably. Can Israel deal with an intifada in Judea and Samaria as well? That seems dicey to Stroock's Books. Ramadan is approaching, and that's riot season. Exit question, with Israel so divided, can the nation rally in case of war? 

No Trump indictment yet. Will it ever happen? Who knows? Are you Always Trumpers really not seeing this? You get that the Dems and media want Trump to be the nominee, right? You understand that that's what they wanted in 2016 and Trump got 46% of the vote and only won because he was running against the worst, most unlikable candidate of the last 50 years, don't you? You fuckheads.

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