Sunday, March 26, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 3/26/23

March 26th sounds like a date we need to remember for some reason but we've no idea why.

Lots to do today in the yard, including sheering and taking down some dead pines in the back. We bought a chainsaw. Wish us luck. 

We also need to read more of The New American Order. We stopped at the intro yesterday, having gotten sidetracked by buying a chainsaw, getting our haircut, window shopping some beer. [Window shopping beer? Is that even a thing?-Ed] It is now. You know, we'd really just like some amber, like a Bass or something. But everything is IPA now. It's a scourge. 

So it seems the US is in a shooting war in Syria. We still have troops in Syria? Why do we still have troops in Syria? It's almost as if Trump was right about Syria during his term. Trump was right about a lot back then. He's wrong about a lot now. Do we really have to have this conversation, my fellow MAGA hats? Exit question, as we're blowing stuff up in Syria, does anyone know where neocon war princess Victoria Nuland is?

General Natan Nagid is just tweeting through it. 

Will's good idea for the week of 3/26/23. Why not write General Nagid's autobiography? We can talk about his background, father came from a Zionist family that arrived in Palestine at the turn of the 20th century via Russia, mother's family were post-holocaust refugees. Nagid's family became farmers. He himself fought in Lebanon in 82 and 2006 before the big war with Hezbollah and Iran...Could be fun. Stroock's Books will ruminate about Nagid's background all week.

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