Friday, April 14, 2023

Friday Will's Ruminating

We're having another scorcher here in New Jersey. Good. We like the heat. Could be a cigar and beer kind of afternoon. 

We read the news with a sense of disgust and dread. We expressed this sentiment to Mrs. Stroock who replied, 'Then why do you read it so much?' We don't know. We don't know...we could probably do a Thursday downer on this. 

Our people are working on a cover of World War 1990: Polish Storm, updated in the style of the first four World War 1990 books. We'll probably go ahead and do the same with the next four. 

We're toying with the idea of doing a magazine ad campaign for the nuke book series. Maybe a full pager. Maybe a third pager in three different magazines. We miss thinking about this stuff. It was fun. Via advertising in British military history magazines we expanded into the British market. Reminder, Germany is our fifth best market, after the Allies, of course!

We had a sales spike yesterday, for no damn reason we can discern. If we could just bottle this and sell it...  

Speaking of ghosts, 20 years after we started writing it, here's the latest review of A Line Through the Desert:

It's kind of weird to see. Will's being nostalgic once again. But we're being so with an eye toward the future. This July we're turning 50, and we've been thinking a lot about what we want to do, professionally, over the next ten years...and what we don't want to do. 

For younger reader(s) that ten years is gonna go by quick. Don't laugh. It'll happen to you too. Aging is about the acceleration of time, the absence of change and the lowering of expectations. 

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