Saturday, April 22, 2023

Saturday Updates

We had a good week at the gym. But we're feeling tired and/or bored with it all. Maybe we'll take the next week off. We could use it. Maybe. As we edit this, we're feeling the urge to hit the gym. 

We understand there's some sort of conflagration in Sudan. Stroock's Books calls for American boots on the ground to bring peace, freedom and international norms to blighted Sudan. Time to activate Victoria Nuland. 

Amazon informs us that more books about the War Between the States, including William C. Davis's bio of Jefferson Davis, are on the way.  We're halfway through his Look Away. It's brilliant. There are morons out there who think this makes us a neo-Confederate or Lost Causer or some such. No, we're just interested in the subject. 

We shouldn't consider writing some Civil War magazine articles, right? Right. 

The things.

Natan Nagid hasn't tweeted in a few days. Oh, there he goes

Sales of The New American Order are off to a good start. There's no surge yet. Nor should there be. The Amazon algorithm hasn't kicked in. Interestingly, readers are buying the $4.99 ebook rather than reading the KU, which works out great for us. Thanks guys. Right now, TNAO is 66th in its Amazon category.  

An odd week in which we didn't write much. But that doesn't mean we didn't get much done.

According to FB two years ago we posted, 'World War 1990: The Final Storm is a mess right now. I close my eyes in thought, and see only the blackness of space.'

All week we sat around, staring at a screen thinking, thinking, thinking. In doing so we cleared our head and see a path forward to writing World War 1990 The Final Storm's final chapter. We'll just write what we want and go back and put in what we need for what we wrote to work. If Gorby and Yeltsin are watching the Kremlin burn on TV, then we'll go back and write in a camera crew. 

We thought all week about our nuke universe short story compilation. Four to six weeks ago we were convinced we still had stories to tell in this universe. When consulting with a neighbor yesterday, he mentioned a lot of ideas, most of which we've already written about. We think we need to take a few of those ideas and explore them further. 

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