Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Wednesday War (Nuclear)

Good back to back days at the gym this week. We admit to being tired of this routine, a combo of six machines over two days. We're definitely fatigued. For example ten years ago we pushed 3000 yards on the rowing machine. Now we're pushing 2500 yards. We don't want to go back to lifting weights and we don't want to go back to our one hour, four mile run. 

Mrs. Stroock went to a Holocaust remembrance event at our synagogue last night. An 89 year old survivor from Poland spoke to a packed house. We had school trip pick up and dad taxi service duty. 

Bloodwork results are in already. And....Hahahahahaha....ahhhhhh....hahahahah! Triglycerides are 688! Up from 461 last year. Think I'll go smoke a cigar. What's the point?

The New American Order: 1977-1981, is out.  Also, we got the coveted Instalanch last night. Thank you, Tennessee's finest, Professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds. Here's hoping for some serious sales spike magnitude. Some grognard is already going after us in comments. Maybe he's right.

Oh look, as of this writing (7:43 AM), The Great Nuclear War of 1975 is number 18 in Amazon alternate history. Which means readers will pick up The Aftermath of 1976 (which is also spiking) and The New American Order. That's how it's done. We didn't even know we'd been Instalanched till a fellow North American messaged us last night. 

Anyway, three books, one series, with probably more books to come. Segue...

The great Larry Correia writes about fans, fandoms and George R.R. Martin's inability/refusal to complete the Game of Thrones series. Correia writes, 'Depending on authors, it takes about 6 months to a year of nonstop effort to produce a good epic fantasy novel [or any other novel-Ed]. Some of us it takes a lot longer. (it doesn’t take any of us a decade, and whoever is telling you that is full of shit).' Yep.

We need about a year to crank a novel out. except for The Final Storm. We've no idea how long TFS has taken us. We found references to TFS on this blog all the way back in 2015. But the TFS of 2015 is different than today's TFS. Most of the 2015 or 2017 or 2019 TFS is in other volumes of the World War 1990 series. 

What Will's Watching: we are told that Soylent Green was released 50 years ago today, and it's not even Tuesday. Soylent Green is based on Harry Harrison's Make Room, Make Room, which is better. Do note, the film takes place in 2022. Guess those predictions were a bit off, huh? Still, the world of Soylent Green is stunning, jarring, chilling, even after multiple viewings. 

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