Sunday, April 9, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 4/9/23

Happy Easter, Christian members of the Stroock's Books commune. 

As we write this Mrs. Stroock is doing the taxes. Walk away and stay away. Hmmm, a Jew doing taxes on Easter Sunday. Somewhere within, lies a joke. 

Reader(s) probably know that Sgt. Daniel Perry was convicted of murder for defending himself against an anti-fa rioter in Austin, Texas. Last night Texas governor Greg Abbot said he'd pardon Sgt. Perry. Which is great news. The jury was wrong. Abbot's pardon is a good first step. He should next move against Austin DA and Soros man Jose Garza, who brought the case against Sgt Perry against the recommendation of the Austin PD. However, once Governor Abbot issues his pardon, expect Joe's Administration to bring a Federal civil rights case against Sgt. Perry. A long fight lies ahead.

Israel Radar reports that GPS in Israel was disrupted last week as the IDF was jamming electronic signals to combat drones. Do the Israelis have some sort of anti-drone, anti-missile guidance system super weapon? Of course they do. The imams are right. Israel faces huge problems in the north, east and south, a situation they've not seen since the Yom Kippur War of 1973. What if all three go off at once? We predict again that the next war will begin over an event in Judea/Samaria. Say, a riot at the Temple Mount.

Will Writes: We don't know if other authors are like this, but after reading The New American Order one last time, we're sick of it. In fact, we hate it. We never want to see The New American Order again. Reading the proof, we're convinced we suck. We know, we know, sales, ratings etc etc. Still... 

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 4/9/23. A story about the Eck Ranch from The Great Nuclear War of 1975 (it makes a cameo in TNAO) should be part of any nuke novel short story compilation. 

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