Saturday, April 8, 2023

Saturday Updates

Stroock's Books wishes its Christian readers a happy Easter Weekend. 

The basement seems completely dried out and we've already begun throwing things out and reorganizing. We'll do some more of that today. 

The weather didn't cooperate, so no cigar afternoon yesterday. It's been two and a half weeks. Maybe today.

We read the news and see feel nothing but despair and dread. It's happening, isn't it? 

The things:

The New American Order proof readthrough is almost complete and we'll be resubmitting the MS on Monday. That's it. That's all. Related: the hired proofer concept isn't working as we're finding many more mistakes than the hired proofer. Or maybe we're just totally anal and self-destructive about proofing.

Okay...things went pretty well with World War 1990: The Final Storm. We have one section where the Ruskis are running around Red Square wondering what the hell just happened. There follows another chapter where all hell is breaking lose in the west because the White House can't get in touch with the Kremlin and assumes the Politburo is about to launch the missiles.  These are chapters are both looking pretty good. From there we have to write the, 'What, what did Maggie just say? They what?' chapter. 

We probably need to add that chapter where the nuke infrastructure is going active, right? Missiles bases going on alert. B-52s scrambling. Canadian F-18s flying toward the North Pole. There's talk of having the B-2s deliver some nukes to target, missiles silos and the like. Maybe? Maybe not...I dunno. We probably still need to show pandemonium breaking out in the USA when the Emergency Broadcast System goes live. There's also talk of just being done with things. [Oh for fuck sake. Stop over thinking and just finish the damn novel, okay, mate?-Ed]

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