Thursday, May 11, 2023

CNN Trumped

We haven't written anything like that in a while, have we?

Mrs. Stroock's 76rs are playing a series clinching game tonight against the hated Boston Celtics. She insists that we wash her lucky 76rs shirt. We hate Boston and everything in it. And when we write World War 1990: Thatcher's War, readers will see that. Just wait till the SAS assassinates some Southie IRA fundraiser at a Sox game. Fenian bastard. 

It seems like we missed quite a show last night on CNN. We'll catch Ben Shapiro's review of it today. The media this morning is engaged in bitter self-loathing, shame and recrimination.  We love it. And we love Fake Jake Tapper's horror at the crowd's reaction to Trump. Actually, we agree with media criticism. How could you, CNN? What did you think would happen, CNN? Idiots. 

Further thoughts...did CNN really think they were going to get Trump on stage, ask him tough questions and pin him down on issues? Did they think they were going to elicit embarrassing responses that would end his campaign? Again, what did you think would happen, CNN? Idiots. Exit thought: Caitlin Collin's white pantsuit was stupid. 

This blog endorses Ron Desantis. The Trump stuff plays great now but how's it gonna play in the general? Not well, people. Not well. We know we're not the only MAGA hat who understands this. Right? Right?

Notes on World War 1990: The Final's like we lopped off a rotting appendage. The Soviet set up scenes look good. So do the Israeli set up scenes. This idea about including the Israelis, unique when we dreamed it up, seems played after the nuclear war novel series. Oh well. The Israelis are in TFS and that's it. The Carribean scenes look good too. 

The new paperback interior for World War 1990: Polish Storm is uploaded. On to the next cover, Nederland

We are in talks with some of you people about stories you'd like to see in War Night, and Other Stories of The Great Nuclear War of 1975. We know we're doing an Arkansas missile silo crew. We know we're doing a foreign leader. We're not ready to write either of those. We don't know what to write next. What else? Maybe just a farm, well away from everything else. Wake up the next morning, get back to work like everything his normal.

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