Friday, May 12, 2023

Friday Follies and Fuck Yous

It's Friday and we're tired. We may spend all day reading about the War Between the States. We'll see. 

Okay...we get it, fellow MAGA hats. In fact we agree with it. Trump is a gigantic Fuck you to the Dems, the media, Randi Weingarten and all the rest of them. We agree with this entirely. But if you re-elect Trump you'll say fuck you once and watch him flail about for four years. Why not elect Desantis and say fuck you every day? 

Speaking of fuck you, the border is open. You know, we recently got new car insurance and meticulously made sure we had our insurance cards in our cars because that's one of the three docs one must needs have on hand to drive in the United States. Cross illegally from Mexico and the government will say, fuck it all. We're all fools. 

We haven't written much about the flair up in Israel/Gaza because we've seen so many of these and frankly, this one bores us. Okay, one thing, the Israelis have used David's Sling which is an ABM platform. Cool. Okay, two things. Some idiots in Bibi's coalition are talking of retaking Gaza. Idiots.

We're still thinking about the second War Night story to write. Six weeks ago we were convinced we had interesting things to say in War Night. Now we're not so sure. We've touched on most of these ideas already, in the nuke novel universe and elsewhere. 

We're still thinking about writing, or not writing, The Confederate Adjutant. 

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