Monday, May 1, 2023

May Day Musings

Happy May Day, Comrades. Damn it, we can't find our Soviet flag. We feel like we've let the party down. 

Commercial break, May Day edition:

Finally found that one. 'With every new video, America grows weaker!' Laughs in Soviet. MTV had a Soviet weekend where they ran ads proclaiming, 'MTVski, more videos that we want you to see,' but we've never been able to find it. 

The biblical downpour here has finally ceased. Thank you, Lords of Kobol.

After gym ennui, we had great back to back days at the gym. Our weight still hovers in the 245-250 pound range. Dropping down to 239 pounds as planned may require more sacrifices than we're willing to make. 

The New American Order has cracked the top 20 of Amazon's alternate history category. As a matter of fact, TNAO saw a big spike yesterday. And away we go. 

Last night we looked at a few new ways to market books and discovered one can pay a Tik-Tok (or some such) influencer to plug your book. We pronounce ourselves unenthused. We're dropping World War 1990 titles into the Twitter May Day hashtag. Da, comrade! Celebrate victory of glorious Soviet forces over NATO aggressor this May Day. Which is probably as effective as paying someone to plug the book on their Tik-Tok. 

We see no sales spike so far for Pershing in Command after the podcast. Nor did we expect to see a sales spike. 

Anyway, here's our top 10 sellers for April 2023:

Yellow is 75, blue is 76, that green bar at the end is TNAO

We have a rule when writing a scene or idea. If after a while we don't see progress, we drop it. We've spent a week thinking of something new to write. We don't really have anything. In a lot of ways we have an embarrassment of riches, that is, a lot of good ideas. Just like in baseball, where you can't have too much pitching, you can't have too many good ideas.

Or can you? It's almost like seeing half a dozen good shows on Netflix and not being able to pick one. Anyway, given sales of the nuke series, today we'll start a short story for War Night: and Other Stories of the Great Nuclear War of 1975. Our goal* is to complete roughs of two stories this month. 

Ah, okay, there's the spark, 'Jerry stubbed out his cigarette and looked over the newsroom....'

The Great Robert Stacy McCain says make enemies. We could make many enemies, were we inclined, of the various Neo-Confederate loons we've encountered on Twitter these last few weeks. We're not talking about Civil War enthusiasts, or people proud of their southern heritage, or people who love and revere Robert E. Lee, or even people who crack open a Coors, turn on the Alabama/Auburn game and think, 'Wouldn't it have been great if Bobby Lee had won at Gettysburg.' 

No we mean people who think the Civil War wasn't about slavery and Lincoln was a tyrant. Yes, the Southern states seceded to preserve slavery. The Confederate government said so, the state governments said so. It's hard to find but there's actually an organization out there claiming to be the Confederate government in exile, or something. JFC, people. 

*We won't say plan. You know what happens when we plan. 

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