Sunday, April 30, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 4/30/23

Good Sunday morne Stroock's Books Commune. 

Four hours in the car back and forth to Princeton for Oldest Daughter's Nerd fest with a gym session in between has left us tired but invigorated. The young man who hitched a ride with us doesn't even like Star Wars. Which is fine. If he said he liked the sequels we would have made him walk. 

As teased previously here I am being interviewed by the gracious Matt Dixon of Footsteps of the Fallen Podcast about John J. Pershing and the AEF. Enjoy. By the way, if you're looking for a good book about Pershing...

We'll skip the chit chat and go right into Will's Good Idea's for the Week of 4/30/23. Here's where we are.

War Night: Stories of the Great Nuclear War of 1975. Half a dozen, maybe more, stories beginning when the missiles fly. Our strongest idea.

Aftermath: stories of The Great War of 1975 taking place in the 80s 90s and afterward. The goal is to describe the world in more detail. 

World War 1990, Norway: We'll probably pick this back up in September.

Random Space War Thingy: Good idea, but we don't want to do it. We've nothing interesting to say and note, the nuke trilogy started as a short story. Author beware. Those who want to read about space carriers can read Wing Commander.

Third Israel war Novel: Meh. It's been too long and we've no idea where to begin. 

World War II fiction: We wrote one bit of WWII fiction. It's never gone anywhere. The world probably doesn't need another submarine adventure. 

We're inclined to do War Night or something completely new. 

We await the lightning. 🗲