Monday, May 29, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 5/28/23

...On Monday. Huh, we missed another day on the blog. When was the last time that happened? Are we losing our touch? Our interest. Who can say?

We write again from the splendid lakeside of the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction. We are here with our sister's family and our dad. Things are proceeding as expected. 

The air is cool. The water is cold. On Saturday we got the boat out a couple of times, did some yard work (boy do we need to hire a serious landscaper in the worst way, or at least rent a woodchipper), we kayaked, and generally took advantage of the lake, the country and all its amenities. Oh, and we found a turtle. A North American Red Snapper. That thing hissed a lot. We allowed ourselves a Moat Mountain brewed Scottie's Pale Ale, 3/4.

And then we did it all again on Sunday. 

Courtesy of Mrs. Stroock. It's true, we look good, based even. 

We've done a lot of stupid things with a boat up here but not with a car. Last night we watched someone, not related to us or otherwise with our party, nearly drive their car into the canal when trying to do a U-turn in the park. Behold: 

Look closely, center left where the light shines brightest one will see a tire track and next to that, one will see the canal. There's six inches of soggy ground between the two. 'At least they got out, safely,' our father remarked. 

We made several trips to the town dump yesterday and got rid of some of our grandmother's old and very uncomfortable furniture. There were a couple of 70's swivel chairs, in very 70s green upholstery. We listened to a lot of Spanish on the back-and-forth drive. We shrug. 

No matter how much work we do up here, yard, cleaning, purging, restoring, it seems there's always more work to do up here. We admit we're frustrated. [Awwww poor baby, has to take care of a second home on a lake-Ed]. Yeah, and it's expensive AF. 

We barbequed last night and then did campfire smores.  

We return to new Jersey this afternoon.

And so the debt ceiling kabuki ends not with a bang, but a whimper. [Avoid cliches. It's right there in Strunk & White-Ed] Yeah, but it's appropriate. They trimmed....$50 billion to borrow another $2 trillion? Um...yeah? Vote for it. Why not? The sooner America achieves the fiscal catastrophe singularity the sooner America can get serious about fiscal reforms. Default, nothing will happen. 

There are many doings a transpiring in Israel. Hezbollah is making threats, the IDF is making counterthreats and holding a massive maneuver on the northern border this week. The navy successfully tested the naval version of Iron Dome. That's great for the navy, and also the natural gas fields. Israel Radar tolls the bell of doom. 

As for Good Ideas for the Week of 5/28/23....We have a Soviet character coming together for World War 1990: Norway. Probably a VDV commander, company, battalion, we don't know. But the idea is the reader is really going to like and respect the guy and want him to survive, kind of like the Caridad brothers in Castro's Folly.  Also, we think a Soviet Spetsnaz brigade will be attack the Froy Defense Line command bunker. It's kind of a suicide mission, but the Soviets were never shy about taking casualties. 

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