Sunday, May 7, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 5/7/23

We had planned on a lazy Saturday, but ended up cleaning out the underneath of our deck, which was on the list. Junk moved, weeds pulled, groundhog holes filled in. Mission accomplished. 

War Between the States Update. We've finished Embattled Rebel: Jefferson Davis and the Confederate Civil War, and are about to finish An Honorable Defeat: The Last Days of the Confederate Government. We've got a series about the war (which we've already read twice) we're saving for the summer. What next?

Natural segue...The leader of this blog's Confederate Contingent made some fair points about the world of The Confederate and they're worth repeating here:

I don't think there would be slaves cotton was dying out back then because of soil depletion and boweivls it wasn't till after WW2 that cotton made a comeback with insecticide and better fertilizer plus you forget my people would always be worried the north would come back so their would be a push to industrialize instead of supporting big plantations I also think for the same reason Texas would stay loyal to the rest of the South afraid that the Yankees would come back race relations would be more like the Jim Crowe era but slowly improving over time.

Just how long the CSA could have kept slavery going is one of the points of the novel. We envision a vast regulatory regime that ensures the bondage of southern blacks but also insists they be well housed, fed, and clothed. The novel doesn't have to take place in 1911, maybe 1886, 25 years of independence, or maybe 1888 with Brazil outlawing slavery in the background. 

Some crap-weasel trashed World War 1990: The Weser, saying that Apache attack helicopters don't have wings. Has he ever seen a picture of an Apache attack helicopter? Here's an article about the Apache with seven references to wings, including one reference in the headline. Wings wagged, Gobshite.* 

On a better note, The New American Order now has 12 ratings averaging 4 + stars. That's it. That's a winner. TNAO is still in the top ten of its Amazon category this morning. We are among the best there is at what we do. 

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 5/7/23: This week we'll finish the rough draft of the first War Night story. We've actually no idea where it's heading other than, 'Looks like they nuked Atlanta, Maurie.'

Also, yesterday afternoon found us googling military history magazines and wondering if we should submit some of our unpublished AEF stuff. Why not? 

Also, we feel a wee spark to write an article on the trio of attacks John Bell Hood launched after taking over the Army of Tennessee. Probably not. 

More also, we've no idea how to approach World War 1990: The Final Storm this week. 

*Huh, spellcheck recognizes gobshite. 

1 comment:

  1. Would like your opinion on Hood while I don't think he was the General to stop Sherman I also don't think Johnston was either by the time Sherman had reached Atlanta I really don't see any good choices of defeating him it was either attack and force him back or let Sherman cut off the supply lines and abandon Atlanta anyway
