Friday, June 30, 2023

A Black Pill to make Friday Black

The girls arrived safely in Indiana. We ourselves had a fine evening with a bottle of chianti and an Arturo Fuente, our first in nearly a month, mind you. We're kind of pleased with ourselves over that. We're a touch sluggish this morning. Frankly, we're not quite sure what to do with ourselves today. 

The left is raging and rage posting about the Supreme Court's affirmative action ruling. We won't bother reposting. As stated yesterday, Harvard et al will find ways around the law. Some will openly defy it. This ruling is a powerful legal weapon, nothing more. Prediction, there will be protests and riots this weekend. 

Soviet Russian milbloggers we follow think a new Ukrainian offensive is developing in the Orehovo/Pyatihatki region. Last gasp, or is this the 'big one' we've been waiting for? 

Speaking of war...

Shooting down some Israeli F-15s would be a hell of a PR coup for Hezbollah. As we've said multiple times, the war between Iran and Israel will be an existential conflict with massive casualties and damage to infrastructure on both sides. We weep for Lebanon. 

Meanwhile, Colonel Douglas MacGregor prophesizes doom:

We hear nothing with which to disagree.  

We've watched quite a few clips of RFK Jr. The man is, for lack of a better term, based. His criticisms are thoughtful and certainly well researched. We admire that about RFK Jr. But we've argued before that the right should tread lightly with the man. Just yesterday he condemned the Supreme Court's decision. He's not one of us. [What do you mean by us?-Ed] We're not really sure anymore, politically. Also, as a former New Yorker, we'll never forgive his daddy for being a carpetbagger. We're Black Pilled anyway. Trump. DeSantis. Whomever. So long as the Dems control the means of counting, they will win. 

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