Thursday, June 29, 2023

Affirm This

Me: My teenage daughter is singing, 'Gimmie a man after midnight.'
Friend: At least it's not your teenage son.

We are taking the family to the airport today. We've logistics well in hand with supplies of whisky, chianti and Arturo Fuentes stockpiled in strategic locations. We plan on drinking a lot over the next ten days. Wish us luck. We have a dinner date Saturday night with friends. Look at us!

Well, we guess it's time to celebrate. '“Eliminating racial discrimination,” Chief Justice John Roberts writes in today’s ruling, “means eliminating all of it.” That ruling released just minutes ago swept aside decades of affirmative-action programs at Harvard, the University of North Carolina, and likely everywhere — even if Roberts reserved a narrow test on other challenges.' Libs/Dems/Woke will find work arounds, but this is a tremendous blow to the regime and a powerful tool for further litigation against racial discrimination. Now do Ivy League legacies. 

Israel Radar reports: 'Israel's security forces face most dangerous period since 1948 war with threats on multiple fronts, warns military journalist Ron Ben-Yishai. IDF intensifies war drills but most info remains classified as defense officials discuss threats behind closed doors.— Israel Radar (@IsraelRadar_com) June 29, 2023' Lots of stuff still classified, and that's interesting. When the Israelis like to talk, they're usually very open and specific. 'Here's our latest map of Hezbollah positions south of the Litani. Enjoy!' You know what the imams say. 

2003 and Me. Yankee pitcher Domingo German threw a perfect game yesterday and we couldn't care less. My, how far we have fallen. Twenty years ago we began our mornings at a little coffee shop in Bedminster with a discussion of the previous night's Yankees game with a friend.

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