Friday, June 9, 2023

Canada Rolled

The air in New Jersey is much better today. 

Yes, I live in a banana republic. Why do you ask?

We had excellent back-to-back days at the gym. In fact we were running, looked down, and saw that we'd run thirty seconds past our stop time. We love it when that happens. 

Remember the Canadian Freedom Truckers? Last night Hot Air argued that their freedom protest was a smashing success. We consulted a fellow North American on this and he agreed, more or less, with the author's assessment. We urge reader(s) to read the whole thing. Nutgraph, as the J-school losers would say, the Freedom Truckers humiliated Justin and overthrew the collaborationist Tory leadership. 

Segue...and relevant. This brings to mind our second to last column for Inforos/Infobrics, Roll Canada: 'On January 15th Prime Minister Justin Trudeau imposed a vaccine mandate on all truckers crossing the US/Canadian border. Canada and the United States have the longest undefended border in the world through which more than $521 billion worth of goods flow every year. Trucks carry over 2/3rds of those goods. In response, anti-mandate activists in Western Canada organized a convoy of big-rig trucks to protest Trudeau’s edict. The Freedom Convoy, as its leaders call it, travelled from Vancouver, British Columbia 3,000 miles across Canada to Ottawa and occupied the capital.' And here's our final column, about the vax-mandate wars in North America. We sigh with regret. 

Related....the Ukrainian counteroffensive has begun. So far the attack does not seem to be going well. Russian sources insist their lines are holding and Russian troops are inflicting heavy casualties. They provide visual evidence of such. These include burning Ukrainian vehicles, knocked out Bradleys and a vaunted Leopard Tank. Exit question, where are the regime's pictures and vids of Ukrainian breakthroughs? Answer: they may come yet. 

What Will's Watching: Fort Apache. Henry Fonda plays Colonel Owen Thursday. It's jarring to see the great Henry Fonda play an arrogant jerk convinced of his own righteousness.  Mostly Fonda chews the scenery, but the performance works. We enjoyed the scene where Thursday meets the corrupt Indian agent and reads him the riot act. Colonel Thursday may be a jerk, but he's honest and honorable. In Fort Apache, the government is wrong and the Indians are right. By the way, this is another John Ford film where Indians are portrayed with dignity and respect and dare we say, reverence. 3/4

1 comment:

  1. Justin from Canada got rolled. Good read.
