Thursday, June 8, 2023

Wrong Civil War?

We write this from the post-apocalyptic hellscape of New Jersey. The air is thick. The sky has a yellowish/gray tint. The sun is pink and one can look right at it. People are wearing masks and we're okay with that. 

Middle daughter gives hourly air quality updates. Right now we're at 330. She says 40 is normal. Middle Daughter would make a great weather babe. She also got a D on her Civil War test. Where did we go wrong? [You sure you shouldn't have been teaching her about Roundheads vs Royalists?-Ed]

We have the new revised cover of World War 1990: The Weser:

That's better. Nice tank. 

We have read all the air strike and missile strike scenes in World War 1990: The Final Storm. We realized we'd finished that section when we scrolled down and saw the Chapter SAS heading. It smacked us in the face like a wet fish, metaphorically. We know where we can ad a few aerial scenes that we feel we need to ad. Tomorow?  

We understand the Writer's Guild is still on strike. Whatever. There's too much crap on TV to begin with. Last night we started Fort Apache. My word, 20 year of Shirly Temple is a babe. 

At Powerline, Scott Johnson has a long, thoughtful post on Tucker Carlson's return to Twitter and his rank Ukraine/Zelensky bashing. Johnson concludes, ' I don’t understand it. Indeed, I find it mystifying.' Though much of what Johnson wrote earlier in the article demystifies Tucker's motivations. 'I identify with Tucker’s contrarianism. I hate having crap shoved down my throat by our presumed betters in virtually every institution of American life.' So Johnson actually does understand Tucker's motivations. And our own. 

This blog believes Putin is wrong. Russia should not have invaded Ukraine. We gave up a fun, interesting, and decent paying writing gig and an opportunity to tell bad Russian collusion/KGB jokes because continuing the gig was inappropriate. It's too bad, really. In a different world, we'd write for the Russians about America's reaction and view of the Ukraine War. But in the Current Year, to write for Russia means one supports Russia. Nuance is not possible. 

The Ukraine war was made much more likely by Western meddling. As the great M Steyn once remarked, why are there so many Americans running around Ukraine? Before the war Ukraine was at once a center of American biological (of some kind) research, and a conduit through which the Biden Syndicate made and laundered money. Otherwise, who cares what happens in/to Ukraine?

Ukraine is also the Current Thing. The elite need the Ukraine War to prove a point about Trump while they cling desperately to the Russian collusion hoax. Once more the elite sees Russia as a white nation (how wrong they are about that) and a stand-in for their culture war obsessions. Never mind the Nazi Ukrainian army, the elites have a narrative to proffer. 

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