Friday, June 23, 2023

Knowing Stuff on a Friday

Oh Singapore, we're glad you like this blog so much. 

Last day of school! Oldest Daughter had a bunch of her friends over for an end of the school year party. We dubbed it Nerdapalooza 2023. Nice kids. Smart too, given our neighborhood. The combined average GPA must have approached 3.8. Anyway:

We've got dance recitals this weekend. Then the summer begins in earnest. Mrs. Stroock will be taking the girls for a ten day sojourn to Indiana. Summer of Will. Summer of whiskey. 

After the murder of four Israelis by a West Bank Person, The Jerusalem Post wonders if it's time for Israel to launch another Operation Defensive Shield in Judea/Samaria, 
'Nearly 60 people have been killed in terrorist attacks since those murders. These included an attack in Bnei Brak that killed five, an attack in Tel Aviv that killed three, an attack in Elad that killed four, an attack in Ariel that killed three, an attack in Jerusalem’s Neveh Ya’acov neighborhood that killed seven, and on and on.'

Click the link for an analyses of the current situation and a description of Operation Defensive Shield way back in March of 2002. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon launched Defensive Shield after 18 months of terror propagated by Yassir Arafat.* Defensive Shield was at once an act of desperation and righteous anger, taken after the Passover Massacre that killed 30 people. The operation ended in complete victory for Israel and the humiliation/marginalization of Arafat. March 2002 was a scary time. In truth, Israel does not face a similar situation today. 

Director and submersible enthusiast James Cameron talks about the Seagate disaster. What's interesting here is that Cameron is a non-specialist, for lack of a better term, who made himself an absolute expert in submersibles and submersible technology. Designed his own sub, he did. Here Cameron has some very stern words for Seagate's CEO. It's almost as if 50 year old white guys who know absolutely everything there is to know about their field might, you know, know something. Kind of like....

Tucker's on Twitter again, talking about the war on Bobby Kennedy Jr. The segment has 14 million views already and we read a story a few days ago about several Foxweiser staffers quitting the network and joining Tucker at his mountain stronghold. We accept Kennedy's self-taught expertitude. But we once again caution conservatives, don't go the full RFK Jr. He's a man asking tough questions, not a savior. Tread lightly. 

[Isn't Dr. Peter Hotez a 50-year-old-whiteguy expert on vaccines?-Ed] Absolutely. [So shouldn't people listen to him?-Ed] People should listen to Dr. Hotez, not defer to him. The good doctor has a been provably, demonstrably wrong several times. I myself am an expert on Pershing and the American Expeditionary Force, that doesn't mean one should just shut up and not ask me questions about same. See the difference, luv? [Ah-Ed]. Also, I'm not a publicity whore like Hotez. [Please, you'd run, not walk, to a camera if you could. You'd go the full Tracey Flick, call on me teacher! Call on me!-Ed].

Behold Bud Light's latest ad campaign. 'Equity? Bud Light maligns their remaining customers implying they are idiots…' We know a thing or two about advertising, getting readers and building a fanbase. It never occurred to us to try, 'Buy my book, you moron.' Once again we point out this bit of Bud advertising perfection from the 80's. You make America work and, this Bud's for you

We were wondering yesterday how to begin wrapping up the Battle of Lingyen Fjord when we realized that we had already begun to wrap up the Battle of Lingyen Fjord without evening realizing it. Writing is funny like that. 

The readthrough of World War 1990: The Final Storm continues apace. We are apacing well. [Not a word-Ed].

*Homosexual, died of AIDS.

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