Saturday, June 3, 2023

The First Saturday Updates of June

Tonight we'll be taking in our first Somerset Patriots game of the year. Youngest Daughter's dance troupe will be performing on field before the game. The night will end with fireworks. 

The lawn can wait a day or two. 

We're plowing through Duolingo's Spanish program, and are ready to begin lesson 7 of the Pimsleur Spanish I CD collection. 

Yo tengo tres Ninas. 

Tiene Cerveza, senior? Yo Queria una Cerveza, por favor. 

Donde esta el Hotel Colone?

De Donda eres Usted? 

Our study of the War Between the States has been slow this week. We'll catch up today and tomorrow. 

The leader of this blog's Confederate Contingent once again makes a great point that's worth reposting here, 'I agree those people are annoying and most reasonable people in the South know the war was about slavery. But we also are not going to throw our ancestors under the bus either. If I lived back then I would of proudly wore the gray. And as for the flag just use the red and blue colors.'

The things.

We're halfway through reading World War 1990: The Final Storm again. Next week we'll take on the strike chapters one at a time. June may be the month. 

We had a good week, intellectually speaking, with World War 1990: Norway. We are mentally prepared to write the Lebed VDV chapter, and the naval assault chapter. Next week is going to be a good week. 

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