Sunday, June 4, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 6/4/23

 A fine evening at the ballpark last night:

The crowd was near capacity. The Patriots lost to the Portland Seadogs 4-3. By our eye the umps blew four calls. We got ice cream and there were fireworks after the game. The girls were pleased. Huh, we didn't see an ounce of pride. 

Another fine day of Spanish. 

We were remiss in not pointing out that yesterday was Jefferson Davis's birthday. We don't think he was very good at his job. Davis was a domineering micro manager who had to control everything and didn't like hearing no. Davis's inability to see that the war was lost was pathetic. We've been surprised to learn that Davis wasn't very popular during the war but became a folk hero after. History is strange, isn't it?

Fun book fact. Our little interview with Footsteps of the Fallen about General Pershing produced a very minor sales bump. There just isn't a market out there, no matter how much one advertises.

Will's good idea for the Week of 6/4/23. We've been working on character, specifically a Soviet paratrooper character. So far we're not feeling a nice guy people want to root for. Maybe we should write a battalion commander who's a total authoritarian jerk bent on accomplish the mission no matter what?

We've also been planning the Soviet's second move against Norway. We had thought that since an amphib landing in Norwegian fjords is suicidal, the Soviets shouldn't try it. Then we remembered how Russians think about these sort of things, and realized that of course the Soviets would have attempted an amphibious landing.* They're not going to have a brigade of naval infantry and three Ivan Ragov class amphibious assault ships and not use them. 

*Remember, in Desert Storm the Marines were itching to make an amphibious landing in Kuwait and Schwarzkopf told them no. He said something like, 'I'm not letting you kill a bunch of young men so you can build a new monument to yourselves.'

1 comment:

  1. While not perfect I don't think any other politician in the South at that time could of done a better job than Davis his greatest mistake in my opinion is giving the eastern theater to much importance the war was won and lost in the west
