Sunday, June 18, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 6/18/23

Saturday services yesterday. 

Whoever is scanning this blog has gotten to June 2020 we see. It's not that we're paranoid. It's just that there's people out to get us. Hello Singapore. How are you? 

We've had good back-to-back days at the gym and wake up this Father's Day tired and sore. That's a good thing. We notice we're pinching a bit less around our middle. We're taking at least one daughter to the pool later. So that's three days in a row. 

We'll be dining out this evening with family and surrogate grandparent neighbors. 

This is not a dream journal but last night, (Father's Day eve?) we dreamt we were mourning our grandfather, gone five years now. 

This week we're moving on to the SAS assault on REDACTED in World War 1990: The Final Storm. Pray to the god of your choice. 

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 6/18/23. So we spent some time yesterday thinking about the Red Dawn Thingy. If D-Day fails and the Soviets sweep Europe, they'll get all the Nazi rocket scientists and beat us to the moon. Good plot point. Yes we are aware of For All Mankind. Aware of only. We've never seen it. 

We also spent a lot of time thinking about the communist, Qadhafi like dictator of Mexico. Kind of a Mussolini too. Hmmm...does he treat Mexican Americans as brothers or traitors? We're going to have a lot of fun with this guy.  We might make him a doting family man. Yin/Yang as it were. Sidenote, we finally hit a wall with Spanish yesterday. 

When D-Day fails Churchill resigns and FDR decides to drop out of the 1944 presidential race. Not sure who Dems run. Might just go with Henry Wallace. Thomas Dewey wins the election and becomes a national hero after defeating Japan and five years later, defeating the communist invasion of South Korea. The next president is war-hero MacArthur. Probably JFK in 1960 and then Barry Goldwater in 1968. 

Okay, so we got some good world building going on. What about, you know, character, other than Mexican Qadhafi? 

We plan to begin this project in January. Can you hear this divine laughter?


  1. A South Korean who is part of a expedition force to help us fight the commies in return for helping them in the 50s

  2. You can make the Mexican Quadhafi a man who is promising to get California, Texas, Arizona & New Mexico back due to losses of the US/Mexican war. Especially Texas. He could be all talk and no action just like Qadhafi.
